Search results

  1. M

    WTB 120 Lumber Jack Scroll

    I have 1 but they r worth a lil more than 400k
  2. M

    WTS 20 lj and 20 peacemaking

    Bump, 120 peace sold. SB for 120 LJ is 600k buyout of 900k.
  3. M

    WTS 20 lj and 20 peacemaking

    Bump, also accepting dono
  4. M

    WTB Dono

    Buying dono, send me ur offers
  5. M

    WTS 20 lj and 20 peacemaking

    As the title says, selling 120 lumberjack ps and 120 peacemaking ps. Pst with offers
  6. M

    WTS Plainly Drawn T-maps 80x

  7. M

    WTS Light blue level 6 meta

    Current bid is 10.5. Will be closing it out tonight
  8. M

    WTS Light blue level 6 meta

    Thanks for the free bump!
  9. M

    WTS Light blue level 6 meta

    I don't feel that you are trolling at all, it's nice to see the reality of it. Best thing about this pet is if I don't get a buyer for what it's worth I can just hold onto it.
  10. M

    WTS Light blue level 6 meta

    Me either, I do have a offer with Dono and gold equaling 10 mil which means id only lose about 2 mil and a ton of time leveling.
  11. M

    WTS Light blue level 6 meta

  12. M

    WTS Light blue level 6 meta

  13. M

    WTS Light blue level 6 meta

    selling newly leveled level 6 meta with level 8 nox and level 5 molten. Send me your offers
  14. M


    When u wanna meet?
  15. M


    I have 1, can meet later today
  16. M

    WTB SS Taming Scrolls +1 and +0.1

    I got one if ur on tomorrow
  17. M

    2 katanas

    Pc on a silver vanq +10 and reptilian vanq +10 katanas.
  18. M

    WTB Katana silver vanq/power

    I think I have 1 that is also plus 10, hit me up tomorrow