Search results

  1. R

    WTB Bulletin board

    I am looking to buy a bulletin board if they are available on this shard
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    where can I find a bulletin board

    :x lol no in game
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    where can I find a bulletin board

    where can I find a bulletin board?
  4. R

    CFC Hide and Seek

    I had to move back the event until 10pm est tonight. Please meet at the chicken fight club starting at 930 to be a part of the event.
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    CFC Hide and Seek

  6. R

    Weapon blessing

    lmfao :lol:
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    Shadow Wyrm Costume!

    when tonight
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    halloween costumes (3)

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    WTB Any deco that has to do with chickens

    I know this might be hard to find but I am looking for any decoration item related to chickens. :D
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    CFC Hide and Seek

    Bring a friend as well because if we get up to 30 players the prize will go up to 100k :o
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    Shadow Wyrm Costume!

  12. R

    halloween costumes (3)

    90k for all
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    Un mark-able item

    Any other ways that anyone knows of?
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    Secure lock boxes

    Can secure lock boxes with the access level set to anyone be picked or do they need the key? How about chests?
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    Weapon blessing

    Someone offered to sell me a massive vanq supreme bow for 50k is that too much? :?
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    WTB Looking the BEST bow

    Still looking...
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    player run events

    Do you like the idea of player run events? If they are performed safely and orderly? I know the gms are busy working on the new expansion and updates all the time so they don't always have time during the week to run events. I have been missing player run events such as casinos, auction houses...
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    Un mark-able item

    Are they rare and/or expensive? Where can I find them?
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    Weapon blessing

    Because I love this game so much I run around all over and fall asleep playing :lol: . Then sometimes while I wonder amlusly I find myself in the grave yard when I awaken, you know how it is.