Search results

  1. bgoldbeck

    WTS Ingots Ingots Ingots

  2. bgoldbeck

    WTS 16x14 Max Storage - SOLD

    i'll take it 600k
  3. bgoldbeck

    WTS Ingots Ingots Ingots

  4. bgoldbeck

    WTS 9x13 three story, by water, near Yew

    nice, i saw this spot. i think i was able to fit larger though.
  5. bgoldbeck

    WTB 105 Animal Lore

    I am entirely unsure myself on pricing.
  6. bgoldbeck

    WTB 105 Animal Lore

    Looking to buy, PM me your price.
  7. bgoldbeck

    WTS a bogling statuette

    Stuart is the winner @ 125k, PM me here or on Discord and I'll meet you at WBB.
  8. bgoldbeck

    WTS Ingots Ingots Ingots

  9. bgoldbeck

    WTS a bogling statuette

    Will be selling to Stuart in a few hours
  10. bgoldbeck

    WTB Moonglow Bank Roof Rune

  11. bgoldbeck

    WTS Ingots Ingots Ingots

  12. bgoldbeck

    WTS a bogling statuette

    i will end 24 hours after last bid
  13. bgoldbeck

    WTS Ingots Ingots Ingots

  14. bgoldbeck

    WTS a bogling statuette

  15. bgoldbeck

    WTS a bogling statuette

  16. bgoldbeck

    WTB Moonglow Bank Roof Rune

    Anyone able to give up a moonglow bank roof rune?
  17. bgoldbeck

    WTS Ingots Ingots Ingots

  18. bgoldbeck

    WTS a bogling statuette

    S/B 100k
  19. bgoldbeck

    WTS Taming SS 235k [SOLD]
