Search results

  1. Lycipius

    WTB Non exceptional cloth bods

    I am looking to purchase any 20pc non exceptional cloth and normal leather bods along with 10/15pc non exceptional spined leather bods. PM me if you have any for sale and how much you want for them.
  2. Lycipius

    WTB soul forge

    They don't deed unless you placed it in a cellar
  3. Lycipius

    WTS [Delete]

    Great place and ran very good.
  4. Lycipius

    WP questions

    I fished a whirlpool with a bent rod, all I got was elementals. Is there supposed to be anything else?
  5. Lycipius

    WTS 11 Vanq weapons for quest SOLD

    I am here
  6. Lycipius

    WTS 11 Vanq weapons for quest SOLD

    I will buy them
  7. Lycipius

    WTS Selling Cellar Deed 2.6 Mil SOLD

    WHat are you paying per k?
  8. Lycipius

    WTS Selling Cellar Deed 2.6 Mil SOLD

    What conversion rate will you accept for dono coins?
  9. Lycipius


  10. Lycipius

    WTS Skill Scrolls List (CHEAP) 95k for All! Cheap Cheap!

    I will buy them all
  11. Lycipius

    I am fine with that do you want to meet there?

    I am fine with that do you want to meet there?
  12. Lycipius

    What are you thinking shoot me a number I am very negotiable

    What are you thinking shoot me a number I am very negotiable
  13. Lycipius

    I would be happy to sell that vendor house. I planned to set it up however I just don't have time.

    I would be happy to sell that vendor house. I planned to set it up however I just don't have time.
  14. Lycipius

    What house are you referring to?

    What house are you referring to?
  15. Lycipius

    WTS SS Auction
