Search results

  1. Amalgam

    Fame/Karma Recalibration (new)

    In the distant past, there was a suggestion which was irrelevant in essence, but potentially bonafide. Original thread: Basically, Glorious Lord is nothing. Top tier karma titles can be made instead to truly represent those who...
  2. Amalgam

    Criminal Resurrecting

    On one hand I don't think shrines should discriminate. But maybe they should, just like a wandering healer. Perhaps certain virtues related to said shrine might allow/disallow it? Or a shrine checks your karma first or something. Shrines, shrines, shrines, shrines, shrines. One of those...
  3. Amalgam

    Cellar Stairs - you had them working for a while!

    THIS UNKNOWN SORCERY IS MIGHTILY DANGEROUS AND SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED IMMEDIATELY. THE ENTIRE FATE OF THE SHARD MAY DEPEND ON IT. Before you know it, you can't access the cellar at all. Then one day your teleporter doesn't work, your doors won't open, and you double click the sign and get...
  4. Amalgam

    Cellar Stairs - you had them working for a while!

    Rich people is a problem.
  5. Amalgam

    Young Status & Khaldun

    A recent thread about transferring horses to young players reminded me of the young dungeon and got me thinking: If only young players can enter the crypt, then shouldn't they be denied access to Khaldun - which is specifically not for newbies? I suggest that a young player must renounce their...
  6. Amalgam

    Alow ability to Transfer Horses to Young players would be good!

    I vote yes to allowing horses to be transferred to young status. Until now I would have thought being scammed as a newbie was an essential part of the learning curve...
  7. Amalgam

    Write a haiku, win a free vendor!!!

    Mysterious gate Fiery portal full of hope Unreachable corpse
  8. Amalgam

    Ogre Pastry Chef?

    I am amazed at just how many truly delicious baked apple pies the ettins and ogres take out to play with them. Is there some legendary Ettin baker out there? An Ogre pastry chef with the secrets of shortcrust? I must find him.
  9. Amalgam

    Gazer Spring Season

    Little is really known about the breeding habits of a gazer. Once spawned in huge numbers, such sights are long past. What is known is that springtime brings out the males - and a particularly wet start to the season means that the gazers have had longer to develop. Does this mean we might...
  10. Amalgam

    Cellar Stairs - you had them working for a while!

    I should clarify. I can double click to use the stairs. I've always had to double click, as far as I can remember. But a short while ago, my cellar stairs magically worked. I could RUN UP THEM! It was amazing. Then, not more than three days later, after a short server restart, it reverted...
  11. Amalgam

    Cellar Stairs - you had them working for a while!

    They worked briefly about a month or two ago, not long before guild tags were forced on, but have since reverted back. Quick fix? This is incredibly important and should be at the top of your list.
  12. Amalgam

    WTT How much would YOU pay for a Repond Vanq?

    Yes, subject to answers. Also having a crisis about whether to retain these items as assets rather than sell them. Gold is pointing down.
  13. Amalgam

    WTT How much would YOU pay for a Repond Vanq?

    It seems like the price can vary quite alot! ....each will pay his own price it seems. So 40K is way too cheap, and I'm thinking I'd pay at least 60-70K, possibly more now that I think about it. Accuracy and type big factors of course. The more I think about it... the more I pay... but...
  14. Amalgam

    Crossing Paths

    Having taken a few weeks to get over the shock and awe of witnessing such a random act of sudden brutal aggression between two wayward repond scum, I do wonder about what else could be prone? (or if it even happened)? Encountering by chance what appeared to be a distance-based or...
  15. Amalgam

    Crossing Paths

    Sitting idle in my house I witnessed a troll crossing paths with an ogre and they started to fight. Did I witness this correctly? I am delighted to think that maybe I did. It was a nice wee surprise and I'm hoping to see more examples of this as time goes on. Such little things are all too...
  16. Amalgam

    WTS Iron Ingots - quality checked

    Certificate of authenticity available on request. Cove GY ingot stash. Get some.
  17. Amalgam


    I smiled with heartfelt love for your situation when I saw your post written in capital letters. Enjoy these times, my good man! For these are the making of sweet UO memories.
  18. Amalgam

    Any chance we can bring back the lost lands?

    I see massive untapped potential, and if / when the time comes there may be only one shot at introducing the lost lands in style. It is a huge, dormant goldsink, easily wasted, and we desperately need to make gold disappear. Maybe best kept for a later time. I reckon that if the lost lands...
  19. Amalgam

    Any chance we can bring back the lost lands?

    It has been my experience that the lost lands tend to remain lost so as to prevent the player population from becoming too dispersed. This is a valid concern for most shards and keeping the area shut does ensure a certain population density in Britannia for the given population. It is for...
  20. Amalgam

    WTS Iron Ingots - quality checked

    Every ingot for sale by Charissa has been carefully weighed, inspected and approved for sale. Genuine article. And just now replenished at a very reasonable price. Don't settle for less. Cove graveyard.