Search results

  1. Nanashi

    Chargeable trap pouch issue

    Accidentally casted untrap spell on it, turned the pouch brown and cannot recharge any longer.... :( I've tried everything and paged gm on hold 1 hour, no reply but will send again tomorrow.
  2. Nanashi

    WTS The Moonglow Secret Shoppe

    Whooot I am glad that vendor is back! Thank you :)
  3. Nanashi

    WTB **4 Barnacle ingots and Ancient anchor**

    I've got two left , what the prices on these ?
  4. Nanashi

    WTB Pure White Antlers

    PM Offers please.
  5. Nanashi

    Heyyy brother...there's an endless road to rediscoverrrrrr....

    Heyyy brother...there's an endless road to rediscoverrrrrr....
  6. Nanashi

    Looking to buy : 120 - BS, Carp, Tink, Lumber, Provo

    I have posted to sell my 120 blacksmith
  7. Nanashi

    WTS PS and Title Scroll

    120 Black smith- 900k 115 Animal Lore- 300k Gladiator Title- 180k Santa's Fist- 390k
  8. Nanashi

    WTB meta egg

    We have an extra one for sale if your still in the market@
  9. Nanashi

    Macro help

    I usually throw this long video tutorial because it is packed with nearly everything for new players. View:
  10. Nanashi


    This is so rare......1.2...hmmm
  11. Nanashi

    Opinions On A New Guild?

    Lots of planning involved with starting a guild. But in the long run it is a lot of fun! you should do it!
  12. Nanashi

    Lost my bonded pet

    next time that happens and your pet gets "trapped" in a house but you don't want to keep the pet. Than simple left click the name of the pet and release it. You can do this without having the pet near you but as long as you get the drop box option to "release". Also, you should definitely...
  13. Nanashi

    Lost my bonded pet

    Your pet was probably paralyzed or wasn't Wonderfully happy and didn't want to listen to your commands. If you recalled to fight some mobs in your usual farming locations, why didn't you just recall back to find it?? lol
  14. Nanashi

    How train pets?

    30-40 resist scrolls. Done.
  15. Nanashi

    A very shitty Christmas Spirit

    This should be posted in rants/flames.... Lol Only way I ever solo Tmaps are with two characters, thunter and tamer combo. All I can say is, stop dieing and welcome to the world of ultima! Either you learn that lesson and get provocation or find a friend/guildie to help with lol lvl 2 maps.....
  16. Nanashi

    WTS Red xmas fire elemental statue!!

    The total opposite of the green one posted. I'll get pictures up later this evening, anyhow show me the money!!
  17. Nanashi

    WTS 115 animal lore

    Show me the money!
  18. Nanashi

    WTS Inscribe, Inscription Scroll(s)

    irc or just find vailin at the docks
  19. Nanashi

    WTS Inscribe, Inscription Scroll(s)

    I will buy the alchy scrolls
  20. Nanashi

    WTS Red Xmas Token Auction!!! SOLD
