Search results

  1. Cerebellum

    WTS Full Phoenix Armor & Full Daemon Bone Armor

    I say you just close it now :)
  2. Cerebellum

    WTS Full Phoenix Armor & Full Daemon Bone Armor

    s/b - Phoenix Set
  3. Cerebellum

    WTS SOLD PW Bone Mask - layered

    How much were you thinking for this? I don't even know what to offer.
  4. Cerebellum


  5. Cerebellum

    WTS An Elementalist Tome and an armored/layered/blessed Battleborn tribal mask

    I"d do 2 mil for the BattleBorn mask.
  6. Cerebellum

    Enhanced Client, let's beat that dead horse good and proper

    I say the same thing about Sallos. they are both garbage. There is only one reason anyone uses sallos, and anyone who denies is is full of shit.
  7. Cerebellum

    WTS Cheap Power Scrolls!

    If you read the buying forum, you'd see that I was paying more for what you have :/ Oh well.
  8. Cerebellum

    Treasure Maps

    Here is what I'll pay per: Level 4 (cleverly): 2.5k per Level 5 (deviously): 7k per Level 6 (ingeniously): 15k per Let me know what you have.
  9. Cerebellum

    Create Checks Larger Than 1Mil

    IMO I think staff should be working on suggestions that benefit a larger number of players, rather than a select few. I don't think I have the ability to influence decision one way or another, but if I did, I'd suggest spending time on more important things that have a value to a greater...
  10. Cerebellum

    Create Checks Larger Than 1Mil

    Scam prevention is a B.S. reason and you know it. There are tons of things that could be made "easier" with some simple coding, but that doesn't mean that they should be. I think this is an accommodation for the top 1-2% of the server, which doesn't make it good or bad, it just makes it...
  11. Cerebellum

    Create Checks Larger Than 1Mil

    What's the point though? How does this type of change benefit the community? I certainly understand that it can be done, but does it really need to be done? I guess the argument would be that it doesn't hurt anything, but it certainly doesn't really help anything either. IMO there are...
  12. Cerebellum

    Create Checks Larger Than 1Mil

    This guy knows what he's talking about.
  13. Cerebellum


    I'll take the cleverly and devious maps. 7k each for the devious (35k) and 2k for the cleverly (36k) so 71k total.
  14. Cerebellum

    WTS Yew Moongate Vendor Rental

    I'll take a vendor in the 2500g line. I'll be home around 5 PM eastern. Will you be around?
  15. Cerebellum

    Item ID Chest

    I propose a container of some sort that will allow you to drop a bag of unidentified items on it and have them all identified. This container would need to be charged with item ID wands, and would function the same way. 1 item, 1 charge. This container would accomplish a few things: 1...
  16. Cerebellum

    The Privateer's Museum of Ocean Rarities Now Open to the Public!

    Hmm, I don't see a gold hued wooden chest... Are they really that rare?
  17. Cerebellum

    WTS Large Tower Quiet Location No Blockage Max Storage

    If I recall correctly, it should be a 16x14 or 14x16. But to tear down a tower and replace it with a custom monstrosity is just awful.
  18. Cerebellum

    WTS 85 Level 5 TMaps

    B/O PM received @ 12:47 AM EST. If it falls through, the auction will continue until the 24 hour mark.