Search results

  1. Green Viper

    WTS Sell Thread - Relics / SS / Dono / Rares

    Still around?
  2. Green Viper

    WTS Iron front helm !!!!

    3k dono.
  3. Green Viper

    WTS Sell Thread - Relics / SS / Dono / Rares

    Nikkon, I'll take the ranger pieces. Will probly buy some plat as well.
  4. Green Viper

    WTS Lv 6 Hally Blue Meta Dragon

    Thanks for the breakdown, Easy Cheese. Much appreciated.
  5. Green Viper

    WTS Lv 6 Hally Blue Meta Dragon

    What the value of this? 10 mil?
  6. Green Viper

    WTB WTB Dono coins 160k per

    i've got some dono for sale as well.
  7. Green Viper

    WTS PS/SS/DECO/Misc.

    will buy the resist SSs
  8. Green Viper

    WTS Skill scrolls, Fafnir's Head, new stealable rare

    interested in your resist SS
  9. Green Viper


    interested in your resist & LP SSs
  10. Green Viper

    WTB Dragon Egg and 3k dono

    still need that dono?
  11. Green Viper

    WTS 115 LJ / Inscription - 100k each

    I've already found one. Sorry, it was fairly time sensitive. :)
  12. Green Viper

    WTS 115 LJ / Inscription - 100k each

  13. Green Viper

    WTS 115 provocation PS supe cheapzzzz

    I'll take them. Inside WBB, Green Viper.
  14. Green Viper

    WTS 115 provocation PS supe cheapzzzz

    Still have the Provo SS??
  15. Green Viper

    WTS Poison SS's

    I'll snatch em up. Green Viper, WBB.
  16. Green Viper

    WTS SSs, PSs ,Easter body paints, Champ Artifacts,

    I'll buy your poisoning, provo & alchemy SS. I'll also buy that 105 provo PS.
  17. Green Viper

    Imminent domain?

    Pretty sure that they could refund the deed / plot price via check. They could also place a moving crate into the owner's bank.