Search results

  1. Garrett

    WTB Ice white cloth/robe

    Still looking, I believe the hue is 1150
  2. Garrett

    WTB Ice white cloth/robe

  3. Garrett

    WTS DONO COIN @ 170k per 1000

    I need 1k
  4. Garrett

    WTS 120 Taming!

    Nice roshi! Bump
  5. Garrett

    WTB Ice white cloth/robe

    pm me, need enough for robe or if anyone has a robe let me know thanks
  6. Garrett

    WTS Cleaning house: power scrolls / skill scrolls

    I'm asking if you would consider a discount if I bought them all in bulk
  7. Garrett

    rare white horse max stat?

    Can it be trained up do you know?
  8. Garrett

    rare white horse max stat?

    what about max dex? anyone know how high that can go, i assume you cant train it higher than 100?
  9. Garrett

    WTS Cleaning house: power scrolls / skill scrolls

    all for 410k?
  10. Garrett

    WTS 120 taming

    @Matty G
  11. Garrett

    WTS polar bear mask(SOLD)

    Not sold?
  12. Garrett

    WTS Skill Scroll clearance sale! Dirt cheapzzzz

    @LoNE WoLF good price for archery
  13. Garrett

    WTS Cleaning house: power scrolls / skill scrolls

    Resist/Magery still available?
  14. Garrett

    WTS polar bear mask(SOLD)

  15. Garrett

    WTS polar bear mask(SOLD)

    75k right meow
  16. Garrett

    WTS Selling dono 160k

    Brt zinc
  17. Garrett

    WTS Selling dono 160k

    ill buy
  18. Garrett

    rare white horse max stat?

  19. Garrett

    WTS Night Frenzy

    no older style
  20. Garrett

    rare white horse max stat?

    anyone know max stats on these?