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  1. Frank Virginia

    on my theif and seen a blessed dragon egg.

    lol i literally just stole a house.. small stone tower deed. guy was so pissed
  2. Frank Virginia

    on my theif and seen a blessed dragon egg.

    this is an item... why is it blessed. bull shit...
  3. Frank Virginia

    can you steal a dexxers wep when he recalls?

    for the 2 second window that a player recalls and his wep go's in his bag can it be stolen?
  4. Frank Virginia

    WTS White Animated lantern.

    this is actually a fire work called little boy i had it ever since the 4th of july but never set it off. i haven't seen any other lantern of this color except in ice 3. it can not be held but when its on the ground it does its lantern effect. nice house deco item. 500k and its yours ;)
  5. Frank Virginia

    WTS New stealable item Por Ort Grav

    does one need stealing skill to steal these rares?
  6. Frank Virginia

    WTS Cheapest Dono Coins

    i will take 1k
  7. Frank Virginia

    WTS Kringles Klompers, 120 Carp plus more PS's

    how much for the klompers?
  8. Frank Virginia

    WTS 115 Provo

    i will buy your 115 provo for the 110k hit me up
  9. Frank Virginia

    WTS Christmas stuff, Statues, Halloween, Blessed clothes, etc

    what kind of deal can u give me on them blue sandals?
  10. Frank Virginia

    Chest of Christmas Wonders From Christmas Special Titan Paragon

    i got a neon green from a greater blood ele and haven't opened it will my loot be better than say an ettins christmas chest?
  11. Frank Virginia

    xmas mobs

    ive been killing this shit out of high end christmas mobs and only got two paints this year smh...
  12. Frank Virginia

    Player Vendor mall inside brit plz!!!

    open up that damn castle no one uses in brit for the new mall
  13. Frank Virginia

    New Year MOTM Swap Out

    crank up those snow eles some more eppy!!!! 1 player can easily handle that whole spawn in ice 3
  14. Frank Virginia

    Can someone please end the Xmas spawn!?

    my only comment is the high end christmas mobs should really have a higher drop rate..
  15. Frank Virginia

    Player Vendor mall inside brit plz!!!

    so just an idea i wanted to throw out there.. how about a tower where players can pay to have there vendors in one location. other than no stop gates at the bank to places where you cant even find what your looking for. also wouldn't mind if you added a pawn shop where players who don't want to...
  16. Frank Virginia

    Can someone please end the Xmas spawn!?

    i enjoy the change in game play......