Search results

  1. Frank Virginia

    Got another Free ethy.

    you have to have karma, respect at the lord level for this to work. for those who dont know its based of your karma, respect, status and obviously begging skill lvl has to be gm
  2. Frank Virginia


    lets go ahead and use this wasted space already. bring on the mass of mobs
  3. Frank Virginia

    Swamp Dragon Barding Deed

    keeping the dream alive.. bump
  4. Frank Virginia

    WTB 105 Fishing Power Scroll!!! BOUGHT!!

    need a 110 now?
  5. Frank Virginia

    WTS ETC's Valorite Barding Deeds! Low Price of Only 260k!!!

    looking for a val deed any available?
  6. Frank Virginia

    Swamp Dragon Barding Deed

    Obviously if your spending the cash on a swampy your going to buy a valorite barding deed. but would be nice if somehow we could place another deed on top of the valorite. just for the color properties. that way everyone isn't riding blue drags and we could have green, gold, shadow etc. but...
  7. Frank Virginia

    This hatchet pic included

    how much for this baby?
  8. Frank Virginia

    WTB bought

    thx man but i got my 30 last night
  9. Frank Virginia

    WTB bought

    thx man but i got my 30 last night
  10. Frank Virginia

    WTB bought

    buying crap bulk vanqs pm me
  11. Frank Virginia

    WTB verite forge and anvil

    looking for forge and anvil
  12. Frank Virginia

    WTS Layered blaze dedicated bandanna 300k

    int. if this go's on top of masks right?
  13. Frank Virginia

    WTS animal taming ss 200k

    animal taming ss 200k
  14. Frank Virginia

    WTS Val Runic Kat 1m

    anymore vals still for sale?