Search results

  1. andres rodriguez

    WTB 2016 st patty's hat

    I'll buy at that if you have it xavier Sent from my VS986 using Tapatalk
  2. andres rodriguez

    WTB 2016 st patty's hat

    . Sent from my VS986 using Tapatalk
  3. andres rodriguez

    WTB 2016 st patty's hat

    pm with offers
  4. andres rodriguez

    WTT 120 tailor for 4.9 blacksmith ss OR 70k

    as title says, or willing to sell tailor ps for 70k. PM or post.
  5. andres rodriguez

    WTS Charcoal ethy horse [Sold]

    Charcoal ethy what? Sent from my VS986 using Tapatalk
  6. andres rodriguez

    WTB GREEN NETS- Any Amount You Have!!!

    Will put mine on vendor at Santa's by yew gate later Sent from my VS986 using Tapatalk
  7. andres rodriguez

    WTS Weaps and Armor Restocked 1/15 @ Santa's Workshop Yew

    Located at Santa's Workshop 2 screens northwest of yew gate, vendor in white and blue on top level named '1/15 CHEEP SACKS.' Selling the following items/bags of stuff: 14 throwaway silver swords weaps, 3 bard, 4 katana, 1 longsword, 2 hatchet, 2 scims, 1 double axe, 1 2 handed axe 10k 9...
  8. andres rodriguez

    WTS Taming ss +1 250k

    Windy city bump Sent from my VS986 using Tapatalk
  9. andres rodriguez

    WTS Green Lanterns

    I'll take one. Will be on later tonight Sent from my VS986 using Tapatalk
  10. andres rodriguez

    WTS sold

    sb on both
  11. andres rodriguez

    WTS Sold!

    free bump for 4am tosh samurai entertainment. good luck with sales and weapons crafted!
  12. andres rodriguez

    WTS Kickass "Custom" Sacrificial Altar Deco! 100k Per!

    quick meet for a late night transaction. thanks for the candles!
  13. andres rodriguez

    WTS 6k Plat and a CBD

    Sounds like the title of a uo inspired rap tune. Free bump. Sent from my VS986 using Tapatalk
  14. andres rodriguez

    WTS Deco/Rares/Wearables/Pets PRICES DROPPED

    headed to wbb now on john paul jones
  15. andres rodriguez

    WTS Deco/Rares/Wearables/Pets PRICES DROPPED

    Will be in about half an hour, Will pm and head to wbb Sent from my VS986 using Tapatalk
  16. andres rodriguez

    WTS Deco/Rares/Wearables/Pets PRICES DROPPED

    I'll take hitching post Sent from my VS986 using Tapatalk