Search results

  1. mightygoat

    Best way to Provo PvE

    I'm wonder the best way to use Provo. I'm up to 115 now. I decided not to get Hide. I have 100 magery tho and 115 Provo I was seeing something about quick target grey? Could someone explain this a little more and how to set up a macro to do it quick? The 2nd grey target is hard for me. thanks
  2. mightygoat

    WTB 120 Provo Power Scoll

    Looking to buy 120 Provo Power Scroll. Happy to chat more. Thanks
  3. mightygoat

    WTB Provo 105 and 110

    WTB Provo 105 and 110 thanks
  4. mightygoat

    WTS 5,000 Donation Coins - 180k per 1k Dona coins

    SOLD 200k per 1k was the final price. thanks
  5. mightygoat

    WTS 5,000 Donation Coins - 180k per 1k Dona coins

    5,000 Donation Coins - 180k per 1k Dona coins Let me know Thanks!
  6. mightygoat

    WTB Provo 105, 110,115 and Provo ss

    oh ok. thanks
  7. mightygoat

    WTB Provo 105, 110,115 and Provo ss

    Looking to buy Provo 105, 110,115 and Provo ss -Thanks
  8. mightygoat

    WTB Mage Farm and Provoker Farm Rune Book

    I'm looking for two rune books one the best spots for Mage Farm and then a 2nd best spots for Provoker Farm. Thanks for the help. Mage Farm and Provoker Farm Rune Book
  9. mightygoat

    WTS Donation coins Selling 5k

    SOLD OUT! 200k per 1k. Thanks all for buying.
  10. mightygoat

    WTS Donation coins Selling 5k

    Looking to get 200k per 1k coins. I'm on right now if anyone is interested.
  11. mightygoat

    WTS Donation coins Selling 5k

    Donation coins - Selling 5,000 Donation coins Let me know your offer. Thanks