Search results

  1. SaladinX

    WTS List of Semi-very Rares - *UPDATED FRI DEC 5th!* PS PACKAGE

    lich dust ethereal dust 2 x holiday tree deed 60k ea +25 Silver/Vanquishing Bow S/B 40k Silver/Vanq HeavyBow S/B 25k TAILOR PS PACKAGE! (105 + 110 +115 +120 tailoring PS = 500k!!!) Hair restyling deed Canada Day Fireworks Staff Blessed Blood Red 2014 Bone Mage staff (ONLY 3 of these on the...
  2. SaladinX

    Crafty's Fisherman Hat

    looking for PC on it worth to CBD it?
  3. SaladinX

    WTS Legendary Title - "Lord of the Damned" - SOLD

    Did i get it or no? lol
  4. SaladinX

    WTS Holiday Tree Deed x2

    Cool thanks!
  5. SaladinX

    WTS Sold!!,! 11 INGENIOUSLY T-MAPS - 180k!

    PM , first come first serve.
  6. SaladinX


    This is a bad idea. If you are in a fight or Pvming, you can easily restock and be on the field in seconds. It takes awaay the thrill of having to make your own reg bags or buy regs and stock up....totally not cool, we cant be spoonfed everything!
  7. SaladinX

    WTS 120 TAILORING Powerscroll

    170k! PM please. thanks.
  8. SaladinX


    no sorry :( free bump!
  9. SaladinX

    WTS TWO champ rare drops here!

    255k TITLE
  10. SaladinX


    Ha ha! I know why ;)
  11. SaladinX

    WTS WhirlPool Fishing Items *Price Reduced*

    Can you post pic of the shells you speak of?
  12. SaladinX

    WTS Holiday Tree Deed x2

    I'll take both for 60k if you're willing to do it.
  13. SaladinX

    WTS Legendary Title - "Lord of the Damned" - SOLD

    Thought it was ending tonight :(
  14. SaladinX

    Xmas deco competition?

    Can we see pics!
  15. SaladinX

    WTS TWO champ rare drops here!

    220k Title scroll.
  16. SaladinX

    WTS Legendary Title - "Lord of the Damned" - SOLD

    220 is buyout :D
  17. SaladinX

    Bone Mage Staff (1 of 3 on the server)

    I want to know the true value of this rare. It looks cool, when dragged to your Paperdall, it adds a skeleton looking skirt to the cannot be held, its a display/house deco mostly from waht I can tell. Was sold for 450k last auction, but want to know being only 1 of 3 on the shard, is...
  18. SaladinX

    Eagle Statues

    Cool...if anyone wants em PM me.
  19. SaladinX

    Eagle Statues

    Is that what you guys are talking about? I have lots of them...if anyone wants to buy PM me.