Search results

  1. SaladinX

    WTS Dec 23 SALE SALE! Dono Coins - Dono Items - *PRICE LOW*

    Everything is on my vendor named "RARES FOR CHEAP" at Vesper trading co. UPDATED DEC 23/8am EST SPIDER STATUE LARGE 20k! 41 Swords Scrolls - 40k! DONO COINS - 169k ea! per 1k Wooden Display cases (x2) - 150k! (originally 1k dono on vendor) Brown bear rug - 13k Polar Bear rug - 15k! BAG FULL...
  2. SaladinX

    WTS Red Christmas skin dye!

  3. SaladinX

    Must be nice...

    If it's the concept, then you're missing the point. It was a fair chance for Everyone to have that weapon. The 15 mill arbitrary number means nothing for the sake of this argument.
  4. SaladinX

    Must be nice...

    There are two types of people In this thread, butthurt trolls and actual players having a good time. Guys, you can't reword your argument and repost it. Read what Adam has already clarified, and move on. The only ones asking for handouts are the ones who are complaining the most. This type...
  5. SaladinX

    Must be nice...

    I have never had the TRIN guard house, or the blessed items, affect MY GAMEPLAY on this FREE server. It has 0 impact on the daily lives of every UOF player. Favouritism would be, lets say to give the guild POWER all item blessed deeds or something. This is just rewarding those who uphold UOF...
  6. SaladinX


    Bump - still selling.
  7. SaladinX

    WTB All your inscribe SS, tactics SS! Sell them to me!

    Still looking for inscribe!
  8. SaladinX

    Ancient armor leggings (wearable)

    I sold helmet for 6.5k and gorget for 8k....someone bought it. not sure if i got ripped off or not...
  9. SaladinX

    WTS Conquerer title scroll

  10. SaladinX


    Looking to buy this. Please let me know! thanks!
  11. SaladinX

    WTS Minoc Lotto! Open Now

    Urgh! A statue.
  12. SaladinX

    WTS Yew Peninsula 18x18

  13. SaladinX

    WTS 10k each reg 250k

    I'll take for 200k if you willing to do it.
  14. SaladinX


    Selling for 380k . FIRM - If you don't know this is the rarest of the Provo PS, and essential for bards. PM me here Skype: cres.factor IRC: SaladinX Character: SaladinX
  15. SaladinX

    WTS Title "The Lightbringer"

    I'll give you 200k tonight for it if you want to go through with it and not wait.
  16. SaladinX

    Relic Details

    Can someone speak English. Taming mumbo jumbo is so it off my league :(
  17. SaladinX

    Meta egg & relic hunt!

    The egg was not on land it was out in the ocean somewhere! /endrant
  18. SaladinX

    Title: The Lightbringer

    I dunno sounds cool. I'll pay 200k for it.
  19. SaladinX

    WTS selling some stuff again..!!

    how much for the conquerer?
  20. SaladinX

    is dancing.

    is dancing.