Everyone takes multi month uo breaks here and there for work or personal reasons. What needs to be addressed is getting rid of the extreme situations.
My suggestion:
If the house owner has not refreshed the house in 12 months, co-owners and friends can no longer refresh it.
Beside me is a...
Selling this oldschool rare from many years ago when you could get trash tokens and redeem for items.
This is a very cool item with a unique statue hue #1270.
s/b 1m
inc. 100k
@cups as someone who has been farming a few specific regular statues for for many many months with hundreds of kills (1k+ on some) good luck on that elusive blaze.
I'm calling kill number 12,395 if you're still on the grind.
Trying to find some basic decorative plants, realistic hues, not the red/white/grey etc.
Essentially looking for most styles of regular flowers and green plants:
I was sailing the seas and killed a water elemental and got this drop. I don't see any history on it so I assume it's one of a kind rare. Very cool piece of deco.
s/b 500k
Auction ends 24hrs after last bid. No b/o since it's a unique item.
On a somewhat related note, staff should consider gold only for the next raffle to sink some gold. Also would help to add a few more desirable items to the gold sink vendor.
You'd get a lot more sales if raffle items were transferable. I have a level 10 zerker and don't care for an ageless castle. If I could be selling these items I'd be buying raffle tickets to try to win and make money. As it stands I've not put any money into recent raffles and I'm sure there...
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