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  1. Dwyane Wade

    WTB SS n Bods

    I have the legs
  2. Dwyane Wade

    WTB Invuln Platemail

    @tankian I loaded some invul stuff last night at despise entrance, pretty sure there's some plate. Check it out
  3. Dwyane Wade

    WTS **RARE** Gold Hue Outfit (NEW PRICE)

    Dope set, +1
  4. Dwyane Wade

    PC ignots/HC slayers/ fish steaks

    I'll take some colored ingots if either of you have :)
  5. Dwyane Wade

    WTS Occlo Guardzone 7x11

    Ocllo ftw!
  6. Dwyane Wade

    WTB Regular Leather Hides

    I keep leather stocked at Despise entrance, 8 per
  7. Dwyane Wade

    WTB Normal Poison Kegs

    5k for the 3? Omw as Dwyane
  8. Dwyane Wade

    WTB Normal Poison Kegs

    Got these ready for you @GrimWasHere
  9. Dwyane Wade

    WTB Normal Poison Kegs

    I can make these for you tonight if you don't get em by then
  10. Dwyane Wade

    WTB Fire Horns

    I may have some, I'll PM you
  11. Dwyane Wade

    WTB Empty Kegs

    For anyone else needing, I stock these at despise entrance :)
  12. Dwyane Wade

    WTS Dragon Egg Hue 971

    Awesome hue! Always looks dead :cool:
  13. Dwyane Wade

    WTS taking offers: UNIQUE max storage house

    Epic spot. Want!
  14. Dwyane Wade

    WTB Random 105 PS - 30k each

    Does 110=105x2?
  15. Dwyane Wade

    Tailornig and Bods

    Yes that site is perfectly accurate and essential to BOD'ers. The only difference is the colors they use on their bod cloth tiers. For that, use my guide in sig :cool:
  16. Dwyane Wade

    Price Check gear

    What he said ^ The current market puts vanqs at around10k per thanks to the meta quest. I sell invul armor all day at 2k per on my vendor. Indes/invul maybe a little more
  17. Dwyane Wade

    WTS Complete Meta Steed Package

    Would love this but I'm about 15m short lol
  18. Dwyane Wade

    Fire Horns

    I use these every once in a while on my 120 provo/peacer. While they do help a little, they break pretty easily and use ash so I never pay that much attention to them
  19. Dwyane Wade

    Any MOTM Elder Gazer drops yet?

    Small sample size but I've had no luck thus far either