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  1. Dwyane Wade

    WTS Secluded BOOTY ISLAND house LOOK!

    Design is awesome, as usual with @Faytality
  2. Dwyane Wade

    WTS Possibly Selling 523/523 MF'IN SHADOW MARE - Sale pending

    Whaaaaat they finally released these? I remember suggesting this a while ago lol
  3. Dwyane Wade

    Where to get bones?

    To further clarify, these mobs drop "bone piles" which can be cut with scissors to produce bones
  4. Dwyane Wade

    WTB Looking for 20x Valorite Plate Gloves BOD!

    Bump, 2 more to go!
  5. Dwyane Wade

    Hello from HongKong

    Hi there!
  6. Dwyane Wade

    huge shout out to JoeB

    @JoeB is the best
  7. Dwyane Wade

    WTS 20x Valorite Platemail Gorget SBOD

    I'll take it @colead88 your box is full, pm me