Search results

  1. DeathVirus

    WTS A couple boxes of rares, statues, and single priced rares... take a peek.

    Pure white Ogre -- Box 1 SOLD Blue fallon Ogre Blood red titan Pure white earth ellie Pure white Ghoul deep blue zombie 100k sb --- 300k b\o
  2. DeathVirus

    WTS Blessed Mika Double - 140k *cheap*

    yes, I think I just missed you though, pm me later if u get back on or if ur still on, thanks.
  3. DeathVirus

    WTS Blessed Mika Double - 140k *cheap*

    Bump, lowered price . Priced to sell.
  4. DeathVirus

    WTS Blessed Mika Double - 140k *cheap*

    bump, lowered 30k
  5. DeathVirus

    WTS Blessed Mika Double - 140k *cheap*

    yes, if u go down to my post on selling rose of trinny and click the image u can see it in the bottom right corner bag.
  6. DeathVirus

    WTS Blessed Mika Double - 140k *cheap*

    as stated, ty .
  7. DeathVirus

    WTS A couple rare deco items... "rose of trinsic"+.Package deal prefered, but not set in stone.

    350k SB for all rares listed below 700k buyout. Thank you. Rose of Trinsic Pile of chicken shit Champagne Glass "purple" Bowl of old stew Leaves Set of brushes (x3) Selling all together, will entertain any single bid if I dont get a bid on the package . Thank you...
  8. DeathVirus

    WTS 3 Apple Trees, 2 Peach Trees 300k per SOLD!!

    I am now, missed u by about a hour looks like,
  9. DeathVirus

    WTS enchanted manacles rare drop!!!

  10. DeathVirus

    WTS 3 Apple Trees, 2 Peach Trees 300k per SOLD!!

    ok, just let me know when ur on please, and thanks
  11. DeathVirus

    WTS 3 Apple Trees, 2 Peach Trees 300k per SOLD!!

    as above states, thank you!
  12. DeathVirus

    Bomby needs price checks

    I might be interested in the bottles if I dont already have them , can you post a pic please. I would be able to give you a idea of the value either way.
  13. DeathVirus

    WTS Green Lanterns

    He said he has alot more, so ur good. Sent from my LGMS345 using Tapatalk
  14. DeathVirus

    WTS Green Lanterns

    ty for the x3 lanterns . :-) .
  15. DeathVirus

    WTS Green Lanterns

    I will take one, DeathVirus on top of wbb.
  16. DeathVirus

    WTS Lowered Prices-Awesome rares-Grave of a Drunken Sailor-Champaign Bottles-Oak Logs-Pics

    Omw, wbb inside? Sent from my LGMS345 using Tapatalk
  17. DeathVirus

    WTS Lowered Prices-Awesome rares-Grave of a Drunken Sailor-Champaign Bottles-Oak Logs-Pics

    Sounds good Sent from my LGMS345 using Tapatalk
  18. DeathVirus


    sure, why not.
  19. DeathVirus

    black cat statue

    600k. if said item was forsale that would be my bid..