Search results

  1. LoNE WoLF

    WTB 16 Yards of Charcoal BOD Cloth

    As title says, pm if you have
  2. LoNE WoLF

    WTB Invulnerable shields.

    I have a ton of invuln shields in all shapes and sizes
  3. LoNE WoLF

    statue sink

  4. LoNE WoLF

    How soon can you use skill scrolls on a meta pet?

    Very good point @lollo
  5. LoNE WoLF

    WTB Ratman MOTH Cloth!!

  6. LoNE WoLF

    WTB Bought

    As stated above^ PM if you have one
  7. LoNE WoLF

    WTB Ratman MOTH Cloth!!

  8. LoNE WoLF

    WTB Ratman MOTH Cloth!!

    As the title says. WTB Ratman MOTM CLOTH!! PM If you got
  9. LoNE WoLF

    WTB Full EVENT CRYSTALS 300k per

  10. LoNE WoLF

    WTB Full EVENT CRYSTALS 300k per

    Need 8 more event crystals (full form) 300k per pm if you have
  11. LoNE WoLF

    WTS Dono Coins!! Tons of dono! 165k per, 160k per in bulk

    as title says. 165k per small orders, 160k per bulk
  12. LoNE WoLF

    Donation Coins?

    If you check the confirmation email make sure that you put in your exact account name and exact character name, if not then tag him here and he will help i am sure. He is usually pretty good at getting to dono coins.
  13. LoNE WoLF


    Anything regarding pvp on these forums no matter what section it's in or intention of the Op is usually instantly blown up :p
  14. LoNE WoLF

    Dono Vendor Preview

    +1 also during preview if things automatically were in layer mode as well that would also be nice.
  15. LoNE WoLF

    How soon can you use skill scrolls on a meta pet?

    The thing with putting a gold relic on your dragon is you will always have a chance at fighting a paragon. Think end game. Paragon AW, para shadow wyrm, para ancient shadow wyrm. Etc. if you are going to the tamer route you might want to consider saving the gold relic for your meta steed. That...
  16. LoNE WoLF

    WTS Death Beetle

    I'll buy this. We can work out a price when you get online.
  17. LoNE WoLF


    Hahahaha I spit my coffee out reading this.