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  1. Nugenta


    Say it takes 500 oak logs to make a wooden chest. If i have 400 oak logs and 100 oak boards, does that = 500 oak logs?
  2. Nugenta


    Was wondering if anyone knows if a carpenter can use a # of boards+ logs of the same type, combined to craft an item?
  3. Nugenta

    BUYING ALL Glowing Runes!!!

    You use them to make slayer armor
  4. Nugenta

    BUYING ALL Glowing Runes!!!

    I'll be on line later tonight around 11:00 central time and tomorrow morning before 1:00 if you want to meet up @Dwyane Wade.
  5. Nugenta

    BUYING ALL Glowing Runes!!!

    1,000-1,500 per.
  6. Nugenta

    WTB Bloodwood Logs

    Looking for Bloodwood Logs! I will pay 200 per log!
  7. Nugenta

    BUYING ALL Glowing Runes!!!

    Looking to buy ANY and ALL glowing runes!
  8. Nugenta

    WTB Special Hammer Shards

    Ok thanks!
  9. Nugenta

    WTB Special Hammer Shards

    Sweet! I'll make the check for 20k when I get home!
  10. Nugenta

    WTB Special Hammer Shards

    Ok sounds good!
  11. Nugenta

    WTB Special Hammer Shards

    Thank you for the information Bromista! Any idea what a fair price for one?
  12. Nugenta

    WTB Special Hammer Shards

    I'm not really sure what they are worth, name a fair price and I will take it for sure! I'm at work now and won't be off till 10:30 central time but I will be on tonight by 11:00 and be available anytime this weekend.
  13. Nugenta

    WTB Special Hammer Shards

    The hammer eventually, I didn't know if it would be cheaper to get the shards and make it myself or just buy the hammer. I just got to 120 tinkering with my smith so this is all new to me. Are the charges on the hammer all the same no matter who makes it?
  14. Nugenta

    WTB Special Hammer Shards

    That sounds great! How much are you thinking per shard? Im at work now I will be on line around 11:00 central time tonight
  15. Nugenta

    WTB Special Hammer Shards

  16. Nugenta

    WTB Special Hammer Shards

    Let me know if you have any and want to sell! I am willing to pay top price for them!!!
  17. Nugenta

    Special Hammer Shards?

    Looking to buy! I will pay top price for them!!!
  18. Nugenta

    BOD trade list

    I have the 20x exc spined leather tunic if your still looking
  19. Nugenta

    WTS 120tink

    when and where!? ill take it!!!
  20. Nugenta

    WTS large bods

    I didn't know you were able to fill large normal orders with exceptional small deeds. that is great!!! wish I would have known that a long time ago!