Search results

  1. oomf

    WTS 200 green nets

  2. oomf

    Barnacle ignot

    I'll buy the ingot if you are trying to sell, PM me.
  3. oomf


    How much are you paying?
  4. oomf


    Damn, I'm amazed you are still collecting bods.
  5. oomf

    Galleon Bilders Price check

    I should probably get out there and sink some fishermen. I'd make the suggestion to anyone with ingots to not sell them for less than 100k. There will be brit galleons which will require loads of ingots one day.
  6. oomf

    Galleon Bilders Price check

    I personally wouldn't sell a Barnacle ingot for less than 100k, that's just my opinion. Why? When you need them they are a ***** to get. So just because you might have a stockpile of them at one time when you have to go get more its a pain. Same with the anchors, I wouldn't go less than...
  7. oomf

    WTB 110 + 115 Animal Taming

    PM me
  8. oomf

    Ship Paint found in a Whirpool

    Odds of getting shit out of the whirlpool isn't only luck, pulling out the line early also kills your odds. From what I've seen the drop rates are pretty much just about right for the WPs.
  9. oomf

    WTS Barnacle Encrusted Ingot

    I'll buy them. Let me know when you are around.
  10. oomf

    Christmas house deco contest

  11. oomf

    Gash / Tanari'ri signing out forever

    Wow crazy, I thought about doing this earlier today haha. Good luck man.
  12. oomf

    WTB Dead Man's Bone Legs

    How much u paying?
  13. oomf


    525k tinkering
  14. oomf


    U take dono?
  15. oomf


    Do you accept dono?
  16. oomf

    WTS 1k Heartwood CHEAP - SOLD

    aye wbb @Easy Cheese
  17. oomf

    WTS 1k Heartwood CHEAP - SOLD

    I'll take em, I'll be on later
  18. oomf

    WTS Ended this thread

    I'll take the chest of statues, the ancient sos, probably some otherstuff, HMU
  19. oomf

    WTB Bulk Green Nets
