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  1. [Legato]

    Elemental Invasion Mobs

    Dealing with dexxer jerks is just part of the tamer role. Not much we can mitigate there as its just a general game mechanic, not event based.. I tried playing again last night. The spawn was very light and consistent like how the patch notes said. then, out of no where, about 40-50 fire ele's...
  2. [Legato]

    Taming of Greater Dragons?

    I like it. The DB i heard respawns every 4 days, not 24 hours. a greater dragon would be a nice slot to have. Maybe make it a bit weaker and do 4 slots, that way its not directly competing with the lvl 6/7 metas
  3. [Legato]

    Price Check on 115 Tailor PS

    I guess more are found/obtained versus used over the last year then
  4. [Legato]

    Items Identifying in lower left corner of screen?

    I changed something and now i cant figure out what i changed. I want the items, when clicked, to show above them in game. Right now, everything shows in the lower left corner. What did i screw up?
  5. [Legato]

    Enhanced Auto Pet Heal - Now with lists!

    will need to give this a try
  6. [Legato]


    Not work in terms of effort on the player, but work for tweaking the system to make these events shine. Seems like shane and team didn't let that feedback fall on deaf ears. eager to see how its revamped. And im certainly not new to UOF or UO in general, but Ive only stepped into these gates...
  7. [Legato]


    After instantly dying yesterday on my archer, losing my slayer bow, from stepping into a red portal (no clue it would literally drop me in a sea of monsters), I equipped a GM bow to try again and noticed just this. Equipped a magic bow and was doing well in terms of actually hitting until the...
  8. [Legato]

    Can we please move the shitty gate spawns for these events?

    Jesus Christ. I love these awesome events, but for fucks sake, if youre going to have portals to teleport players into the event, dont set them up so they put you boxed into the middle of about 40 god damn monsters. Its like youre asking people to not give a shit about participating. From...
  9. [Legato]

    Bonded Beetle Ghost Doesn't Recall

    Ive even had issues with bonded LIVE pets, not under attack, not following me with a recall. Rare but happens
  10. [Legato]

    WTS BOD Cloth, SS, Obsidian pieces

  11. [Legato]

    Which WW to use.

    care to elaborate?
  12. [Legato]

    Figurines of Power

    I played on a server that had something just like this awhile back. You could carry your pets around with you in your backpack by turning them into stattues. They were not blessed, so if you died, you lost your pet as an item. Whomever double clicked it became the owner if their taming was high...
  13. [Legato]

    WTS BOD Cloth, SS, Obsidian pieces

  14. [Legato]

    A handful of ideas to change useless skills and add craftables

    I think begging would be useful for blacksmiths and tailors to have to also be able to speed up BOD times. A % of your begging skill has a % chance to reduce your BOD timer by % amount. That way not always will it work, but the higher your skill, the higher your chance, and the shorter the...
  15. [Legato]

    Cant see booty isle? Appears as water

    i had to run it a second time and it finally worked! thanks!
  16. [Legato]

    Taking suggestions/requests

    maybe not a new one, but i cant seem to get the vet macro to work right. UO Steam never recognizes bandages nor my pets. would love some help with a vet macro