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  1. De Medici

    trash token

    Trash token blessed. I have no idea what it is. Does it worth anything?
  2. De Medici

    Again...Taking requests/suggestions

    Thx @Experience for your great help.
  3. De Medici

    Again...Taking requests/suggestions

    Alright thx Can you tell me the command to get health bars? Would be awsome
  4. De Medici

    WTS [AUCTION] a bloody talons relic

  5. De Medici

    Defense Talisman Changes

    I agree they should disable phaseshift if pvp is involved and iam pretty sure they will do it. So if you plan to buy a phaseshift so you can fly away in pvp DONT do it and cry on forums that you lost your 4m investment after they changed the mechanic.
  6. De Medici

    WTS LVL 6 Meta Dragon with QS, Molten and Bloody

    Alright thx
  7. De Medici

    Defense Talisman Changes

    If nobody logs on who are all these players I see in the dungeons and towns?
  8. De Medici

    WTS LVL 6 Meta Dragon with QS, Molten and Bloody

    Its nice but your price is to high from my perspective. I would buy it if cheaper. There is a level 7 with all relics maxed for 16m on the forums atm and no one is bidding.
  9. De Medici

    Defense Talisman Changes

    1. I also know that many people use meta pets and dont remember their names if they are no friends nore in my guild. 2. I never said many people are using the resi talisman on pvp chars. 3. Even if you dont have it on real pvp chars you can used it for pvp.
  10. De Medici

    Defense Talisman Changes

    Because I have better things to do in my life, than remembering names of chars
  11. De Medici

    Defense Talisman Changes

    Ok I give up
  12. De Medici

    Defense Talisman Changes
