Search results

  1. Tangent

    WTS 110 & 115 Carpentry. 105 Animal Lore & Mining PS

    Update: added 2 scrolls, 1 sold
  2. Tangent

    WTS 110 & 115 Carpentry. 105 Animal Lore & Mining PS

    105 Mining 25k 110 Carpentry 70k 115 Carpentry powerscroll 125k. 105 Animal Lore 60k. 120 Blacksmithy powerscroll 750k SOLD
  3. Tangent

    Exceptional/Vanquishing/Eminently Acc Bow

    Worth 160k as a rare showpiece, but it would only be brought to special events where you could never lose it. Maybe someone would be willing to try it at an in-town invasion event (so they have guards to kill any PKs who attack them) where they have been to the invasion many times so they have...
  4. Tangent

    WTS 2 Exceptional Vanquishing Bows (Bloodwood)

    Offering 30k for one.
  5. Tangent

    WTS Stuff, Look!

    Scrolls: 105 Animal Lore - 60k 115 Carpentry - Make offer +1 EvalInt x 9 12k for all +1 Magery x 2 18k for both +1 Lockpicking 40k +1 Swords x9 10k Misc: Black Dye Tub 20k Rikktor's Heart + Skull of Venom + Skull of Greed = 60k For all Small Ship 20k Firehorn x 7 10k Rares: Rocks, Six kinds: 4...
  6. Tangent

    WTS 115 Carpentry PS

    115 Carpentry Power Scroll Also for sale: 105 Animal Lore 60k Leave offer here or PM me your offer.
  7. Tangent

    Moonglow Invasion

    Thanks for the information, I'll have to look harder next time!
  8. Tangent

    Moonglow Invasion

    I've tried to fight in two Moonglow invasions over the past month or so but the champion never comes even after all monsters have been killed for at least 15 minutes. Everyone else seemed just as confused as I am both times.
  9. Tangent

    WTS Poisoning SS x2 35k Each - SOLD (both)

    Yeah, do you want one or both? Meet at brit docks right now?
  10. Tangent

    How does pet stat loss work?

    Thanks for the information, good to know. Right now I have champ spawns in mind, and based on what I see at those I would expect at a champ spawn a pet could easily die even multiple times... especially when there is both holiday spawn and PKs at a single spawn to contend with fairly frequently...
  11. Tangent

    How does pet stat loss work?

    *bump* Anyone?
  12. Tangent

    WTS Poisoning SS x2 35k Each - SOLD (both)

    2x +1 Poisoning SS 35k each 5x Eval Int 13k for all. 9x Swords 10k for all. PM Me
  13. Tangent

    WTS 50k Logs - SOLD

    sorry already sold!!!
  14. Tangent

    WTS 50k Logs - SOLD

    50k logs 3gp each!
  15. Tangent


    50k logs available. PM me.,
  16. Tangent

    How does pet stat loss work?

    I'm worried about a negative loop where my pet loses stats, then becomes weaker and dies really easily. Then my dragon may have the stats of a house cat because each time it is easier to kill than the last. I couldn't find any information on this!