Search results

  1. Casor

    3 Accounts

    /bump would like to know as well~
  2. Casor

    Charcoal Hue

    How can you de-hue one to begin with?
  3. Casor

    WTB My BOD trading thread UPDATED 12/16

    I have one for 20 exceptional copper plate helms.
  4. Casor

    I'm so UO ....

    You should try peacemaking on her imo~ Buy a lute irl and just start playing it when she starts up.
  5. Casor

    Customice house cost

    You sure about the 10k part? Because I just bought a plot 13x17 and when I went to customize it started off at 130k before I placed any tiles. then it added 500g to that for each tile I placed. So, I quit out since I didn't have that much gold. Does the gump lie to me?
  6. Casor


    S/B of 400k Where exactly is that?
  7. Casor

    WTS 13x17 Max storage, great location

    I only have 310k atm. I'll try to get the rest together this weekend. If it is still available then, I would be interested~
  8. Casor

    WTS Gankware LLC BoD Selling Thread

    OK. I see. I guess the small ones aren't worth turning in by themselves unless they are like the top couple of tiers. So, ppl just mostly save up for the large ones.
  9. Casor

    WTS Gankware LLC BoD Selling Thread

    All of the small BODs. Looks like you have the rewards for large BODs by them.
  10. Casor

    Crafting Skill when over 100+

    I too would like to know this. What do you gain from 100 to 120 in these crafting skills? and mining also?
  11. Casor

    WTS Gankware LLC BoD Selling Thread

    Is the BOD reward info on the wiki not correct? What you say are the rewards don't match up with what they have listed here:
  12. Casor

    No display counter icons

    You try to edit the item and retarget the items? Like when you add a new item to the counter items list.
  13. Casor

    Most efficient way to get new BODs

    How do you know when a BOD is available? Does it show up in the context menu? or do you have to say something to the npc?
  14. Casor

    Most efficient way to get new BODs

    What is the min skill to start getting BODs?
  15. Casor

    Most efficient way to get new BODs

    What triggers you being able to get a BOD? buying an item or selling an item? or both?
  16. Casor

    Help with Remove Trap

    One of the posts I read when I was looking someone was asking if you could drop DH after you GMed RT. Someone's reply was that you could not. I don't know why that is or what the consequence of dropping DH is tho.
  17. Casor

    Help with Remove Trap

    I started with DH locked at 50. I was told that you need 50 DH to use RT skill.
  18. Casor

    Macro HELP

    I think he was wanting someone to post a .macro file. fyi for those that don't know. you can enter %appdata% in the address bar of windows file explorer and hit enter. you should see a Razor folder. look in there and there's a Macros folder with all your .macro files.
  19. Casor

    Online Player Search Similar to Old MyUO

    I don't know that the Legends site is updating properly. On the patch notes it said they were going to try to update it hourly. I've been on this server for over a week now and none of my guys show up in the search still.
  20. Casor

    Improving World Save Time

    So, a long time ago I did some work on a free shard. I'm not sure if I'm remembering things right or not, so just tell me if I'm wrong. There seem to be a lot of items in the world that when you mouse over they highlight. Bone piles, piles of skulls, blood tiles, etc. From what I remember, the...