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  1. Peav

    Community Fundraiser: 250k for archersnon

    hes the titan paragon of the poker table.
  2. Peav

    The Christmas Train by the WBB

    Train came back after derailing in Spring 2016 when Kingdoms were opening.
  3. Peav

    Metas are not meant to affect PVP, but slayers don't affect meta pets?

    But can't you two shot a lvl6-7 meta with two double strike swings proc if you have a max lvl and dragon slayer? Not that I care but, sounds super balanced.
  4. Peav

    WTS Selling List Cheap

    I have this one from Halloween, I've never seen one of those before.
  5. Peav

    WTS Decorative Suit of Gold & Silver Decorative Armor

    I think thats worth like 200k, its made from a recepie same as cannons.
  6. Peav

    WTS 18x18 on PCH island *SOLD*

    He can hold 2000 houses if they fit there on island owner account. Argument invalid still.
  7. Peav

    WTS 18x18 on PCH island *SOLD*

    Technically he didn't state or admit of having additional accounts. Practically he haven't admitted having more than 3 houses, which is completely legal if your not going over the account limit. Presumably he can verify his wording as 'own' in context of his friends holding plots for him. You...
  8. Peav

    WTS PvP Wands

  9. Peav

    Friday Night Fight Knights - JOUSTING (Archive - Old Post)

    Little insight about our winner and his past.
  10. Peav

    I cant tame

  11. Peav

    Blessed 32 Hue Bone Mask

    I think @Salsa was selling the same mask for 3-4m. It is one of the older masks. Pretty sure you can get easy 3m for it.
  12. Peav

    WTS Molten relic - 4M - cheapest on shard right now.

    People are getting 1m off a single invasion for free, Don't see a reason for paying 1 mill more for a relic you want.
  13. Peav

    WTS Level 6 Meta Lvl 8 QS

    @drasked Deriz is giving up on the pvm era of 2017.
  14. Peav

    WTS +20 TAMING 10M

  15. Peav

    WTS +20 TAMING 10M

  16. Peav

    WTS ANYONE PAYING 15mil FOR A 120 TAMING PS pm me nowwwww !

    anyone paying 25m for 64 spells spellbook pm me too.
  17. Peav

    WTS ATTN COLLECTORS: True Blessed Black "Sandals" Null Name Auction. Few Pairs Exist

    I'll be EXTREMELY surprised if these end up being sold.
  18. Peav

    WTS ATTN COLLECTORS: True Blessed Black "Sandals" Null Name Auction. Few Pairs Exist

    It's not about the money it's about having an option of buying them on dono vendor right now for 75% less and having one word more on them 'blackest'.