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    Disarm Thief. Question about targeting.

    Either disable range checking on last target in Razor, or use a client-based last target hotkey.
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    WTS Power Scrolls + Miscellaneous! Updated 2/18

    Bump with 120 fishing
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    Chance to craft random slayer spellbook with 100 inscription at britain craft area

    Even if it were a 1:1000000000 chance, the whole crafters guild with be covered in empty spellbooks within a day. The entire Brittanian forest would be felled in a week to supply all the scrolls. Think of the trees, man, the trees!
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    True Fire Story

    Scrolls. You shouldn't easily be able to cast something that does assloads of damage, poisons things, and runs them down without a little effort.
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    True Fire Story

    Nice diagnosis there, Dr. Lexus!
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    Arch Demon Attacks and strategies.

    Supposedly it's 4 to 6 hours. Also, a word of advice to all people battling the demon: if you are in melee, have all melee combatants stand in the same tile, and he won't be able to jump away from you when he aggros on someone else. If you are NOT in melee, then stay the hell back! There's...
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    So, I have another player's berserker totem...

    The same day I got my talisman, I managed to drop it on the ground within the first hour: if you drag it off your character gump but try to release it back on, they fall to the ground. Luckily no one noticed it.. From that day on, I only equip/unequip it using a dress hotkey.
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    WTS Adding slayer property to armor 2k per piece

    I got a suit from MT for my parry macer, and now I'm meleeing shadow wyrms and dragon paragons with very little risk.
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    AR Rating Comparisons

    I want to see the AR on exceptional runic bone armor.. ;)
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    AR Rating Comparisons

    I want to see the AR on exceptional runic bone armor.. ;)
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    WTS Power Scrolls + Miscellaneous! Updated 2/18

    Reply here / PM on forums / PM Discrete on IRC 120 Fishing 1m 110 Carpentry 100k 105 Carpentry 30k +1 Lockpicking 35k Recipe: suit of gold armor 100k Recipe: singing crystal ball 100k Poisoning skill scroll 30k Ettin statuette 10k Skeleton statuette 10k (2) Skull of greed 30k (2)[/S][/S]
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    List of important changes for PVP.

    It makes sense that explo pots should damage anyone you have recently been in combat with. Random expl timer is meh, not sure I care either way. The rest of your message is not really in keeping with the apparent values of the shard. In particular, with stamina changes, PvP templates would go...
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    Fixing discord

    +1! It's useless as it is. Any mob for which it would be useful is too difficult to discord.
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    Human jerky remotely tracks player name changes

    Greasy human jerky (from a dead thief, for example) changes its name whenever the thief's name changes via disguise kit, and possibly other means (incognito). I can watch it change with each click while the thief is completely off-screen using their kit. Edit: And by "name", I mean the yellow...
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    WTS 120 Provo, 110 Blacksmith, 105 Carpentry

    120 provo: s/b 1m, PM or reply with offers over the next few days. 110 blacksmith: 150k or best offer 105 carpentry: 30k
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    Add clubs to carpentry crafting

    You mean this ISN'T already craftable? Wow..