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    The Meta Dexxer's Lounge and Beard Bar

    Ahh yeah true
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    The Meta Dexxer's Lounge and Beard Bar

    I see a lot of you arnt using arms lore? Extra hit just not good enough?
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    Q Staves....The new in thing?

    nice i have been wanting to try something other than katanas, also dont like idea dropping hiding on zerker for LJ to use axe so maybe keep hiding and goto mace and use stave
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    Q Staves....The new in thing?

    i have seen quite a few people now all using Q Staves, have they been buffed? or were they a hidden gem all along?
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    WTS Swamp Dragon Barding Deeds 300k/+60 ASH Hammer Swings 25k!

    Awesome man thanks! can definitely trust and rely on Bromista. pleasure to do business with.
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    WTS Swamp Dragon Barding Deeds 300k/+60 ASH Hammer Swings 25k!

    Thats ok man, i have all the rope required now let me know when your back :)
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    WTB Dragon Barding deed

    WTB dragon barding deed, currently on brit bank roof, i can supply ingots and 1 rope perhaps pay rest with dono EDIT: no longer looking to buy
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    WTS Swamp Dragon Barding Deeds 300k/+60 ASH Hammer Swings 25k!

    hey mate sent you a PM, let me know if you on and what you have. i need a deed made
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    WTB Cheap new player home

    meet at WBB if u need a hosue still
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    WTB Cheap new player home

    hey think i just saw you at brit bank you still on? in have a cheapo house you can have
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    That's also a good idea, would add another element to game.
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    So cooking is pretty useless, why not create food buffs that give HP, mana, health per 5 AR boost or damage boost, fish certain ingreadiants and items off mobs, cook them together to make a 30 min buff??
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    WTS Remedy Relic 2mill

    ill buy it now for 1.75mil if your online
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    Better 2 Dragons or 2 WW's to hunt/farm?

    Yeah 2 ww is good most of their damage is magic damage, however dragon is stronger and once mana is gone hit harder than a ww and still have dragon breath for extra damage, there are 5 follower slots you can have, dragon is 3 ( includes meta dragon ) ww is 2, nightmare is 2
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    Better 2 Dragons or 2 WW's to hunt/farm?

    Can't have 2 drags because they take 3 slots, 1drag and 1ww is most common combo
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    WTB WTB QS relic will pay 45k dono +400k gold SOLD ty

    WTB QS relic, i can pay 45k dono coins and 400k gold
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    WTS WTS/WTT 45K dono / QS relic

    WTS 45k dono @ 170k per or trade for QS relic, at brit bank roof now advertising, Game name is Sunder
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    Iv added pic to first post, thanks for help guys
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    Yeah had to delete the first 4 characters of link now it works, thanks for tip