Search results

  1. Apolllo

    WTS Sold

    Selling 4k Donation Coins @ 195k per k Please PM me
  2. Apolllo

    WTS Kristo's Kommissary Armor, Weapons, and More!!!

    Gold will work then :-) My guy is at WBB right now if you want Its Steven Blunt. I'm inside
  3. Apolllo

    WTS Kristo's Kommissary Armor, Weapons, and More!!!

    I'll take the bronze one off your hands if still available.
  4. Apolllo

    Guild and Alliance chat font turned black - All fixed - got some help

    I also went into the paper doll menu and changed the guild and alliance chat color and it still is black - transparent maybe on my screen. The font is black in my journal
  5. Apolllo

    Guild and Alliance chat font turned black - All fixed - got some help

    Hi, Yesterday the font color changed for guild chat and alliance chat and I cannot longer see chat on my screen anymore. I can see it in my journal as black font. I went into options and changed every possible chat color to no avail. I uninstalled UO, Razor, Steam, cleared out folders, etc...
  6. Apolllo

    cant see spell text when being cast

    This happened to me today. I cannot see guild / Alliance chat. Its a black colored font. I tried changing every possible chat color and nothing is changing. What did you change?
  7. Apolllo


    You still have LJ?
  8. Apolllo

    WTS 5k Donation Coins - 190k per

  9. Apolllo

    Differences between wood types

    Hi, I have been searching all over, but for the life of me I cant find it. Can someone tell me the differences between the wood types for making bows? Thanks,
  10. Apolllo

    WTS 5k Donation Coins - 190k per

  11. Apolllo

    WTB Lumberjacking SS

  12. Apolllo

    WTB Lumberjacking SS

  13. Apolllo

    WTS 5k Donation Coins - 190k per

  14. Apolllo

    WTS 5k Donation Coins - 190k per

    Selling 5k donation coins for 190k per k.
  15. Apolllo

    WTB Lumberjacking SS

    Looking to Buy 10+ Lumberjacking SS. Please send PM with price
  16. Apolllo

    WTS 2k Donation coins / 190k per k - SOLD

    Meet at WBB I'll be on Steven Blunt
  17. Apolllo

    WTS 2k Donation coins / 190k per k - SOLD

    updated price
  18. Apolllo

    WTB 105 & 110 Lumberjacking

  19. Apolllo

    WTS 2k Donation coins / 190k per k - SOLD

    updated price please PM me
  20. Apolllo

    WTB 105 & 110 Lumberjacking

    Please send PM with price . Thanks