Search results

  1. Modus

    WTB 10 Repond Katanas

  2. Modus

    WTB 10 Repond Katanas

    Hi, i am buying 10 repond katanas, message me.
  3. Modus

    WTS DoUbLe StRiKe Relic PRICE DROP! first 9 MIL!

    im no stock expert, but i would suggest anyone to wait for the drop to ~7m now.
  4. Modus

    Buying Silver Coins (faction $)

    Buying Silver coins, message me.
  5. Modus

    WTS DoUbLe StRiKe Relic PRICE DROP! first 9 MIL!

    you should wait for the 10m.
  6. Modus

    WTS Brimstone Tribal (layered + armored) for Sale

    Hi. Selling a layered and armored Brimstone Tribal Mask.
  7. Modus

    Phase Shift relic - or is it Phase Shit? Return to Position please.

    Another Champ is ruined for phase shift users, Shame now has an area that goes down like tera champ. 1x Phase Shifted down + dead Area. Well another Champ you cannot participate in with Phase Shift relic. Change it already. I want to participate in the Game.
  8. Modus

    WTS Selling Dimensional Archway Scroll

    Selling Dimensional Archway Scroll, post offers.
  9. Modus

    WTS DoUbLe StRiKe Relic PRICE DROP! first 9 MIL!

    you should take that offer and press capslock.
  10. Modus

    WTS Selling PURE WHITE Earth Elemental Statue

    lets say Sunday 21°° CET (central eu time)
  11. Modus

    Add [friendlist please.

    well that would happen if i trusted the person i kept in contact with for a while via [friendlist later on. that would work nicely with the unique name system on UOF.
  12. Modus

    Add [friendlist please.

    i played on DFI some years ago and there were ALOT of persons i would not have stayed in contact with if there would have been no [friendlist. More contact to other persons = more happy players (not being isolated) = less quitting the game WIN WIN Situation for Players + Shard + Shane Whats...
  13. Modus

    Add [friendlist please.

    hmm i think it is a totally different thing to use 3rd party messaging tools. If you log in and can check your friendlist what persons are on you can do alot more. AHA these people are online, lets ask that person if he wants to kill some dragons.
  14. Modus

    Add [friendlist please.

    This feature is absolutely underestimated. Especially new players would benefit from it, you dont get lonely and bored after a week and quit the shard because you lost contact to people you played with. Personally, i do NOT like to exchange my private messenger information or email. Lost contact...
  15. Modus

    New house ban mechanic

    What does that fix include?