Search results

  1. G

    WTB Looing for a Carpenter/stonecrafter

    I do carp and stone. Msg me if you still need something
  2. G

    WTB Plain seeds

    I have some, but how do you Id them to tell what they are?
  3. G

    Selling Old Gazer statue and Water ele monster and blob statues

    200k Water ele (actual monster)
  4. G

    What skill level gets the best BODs?

    Shit either way you get double the bods, unreal.
  5. G

    What skill level gets the best BODs?

    70.1 Gets you a 3 hour window and the same chance on t5 as 98.6? or 120 for that matter?
  6. G

    Random List of Random Things (Platinum Included)

    25k white chest and plat. Let me know
  7. G

    Terrathan Queen Statue (pic)

    sold to tony
  8. G

    Terrathan Queen Statue (pic)

    Here's a pic of the little whore. SB 35k BO 65k I also have Matriarch South Avenger East x3 Warrior South
  9. G

    Question: Tailoring bods

    I've gotten over 750 bods and have like 5 horned, never seen a barbed.
  10. G

    Selling/Price Check/Gauging interest in LEGENDARY HAMMER

    Sounds like the money is in the recipes it has attached to it. Gratz on the first hammer. I hope you make lots of money off of it!
  11. G

    105 and 110 Tailoring

    just got back on, sorry guys, ill meet up with you both
  12. G

    105 and 110 Tailoring

    105 35k 110 60k 85k for both. Post or PM
  13. G

    Wts A Timber Wolf Statue (PIC)

    Will end this in about an hour or so