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  1. Strigo

    Make IDOCs non-killer areas

    nice double negative.
  2. Strigo

    Trying not to get guard whacked with macro...

    if they're green, you shouldn't be getting guardwhacked. maybe the NEW guild is special. Here's an alternative. Go out of town and have character 1 go grey ( but not by attacking character 2). then have character 2 attack character 1. after 2 minutes, both characters will be blue to the outside...
  3. Strigo

    Remove the no pet skillloss from factions

    agree with OP. tamers already get special treatment for being in faction with potential faster pet gains. why do they need additional benefit compared to dexxers/mages?
  4. Strigo

    My Smart Bandageself Script

    Can I make a looping survival macro using everything UOSteam can do (trap pouches, autocure, etc) and see if you can kill it as a mage? I'd like to test a top PVPer vs automation :)
  5. Strigo

    My Smart Bandageself Script

    How? There are no timers or ifs in sallos, and no way to loop a hotkey indefinitely?
  6. Strigo

    My Smart Bandageself Script

    @Blair, you've said things like this a few times, and I think your reasoning is overly subjective and biased. If a macro allows a bad player to compete with an average player without the macro, that is a huge deal. A macro doesn't have to beat a good pvp'er to have a significant impact on the...
  7. Strigo

    If you were unable...

    Think about it, maybe he is just the best troll we've seen!
  8. Strigo

    My Smart Bandageself Script

    I would like to accomplish getting staff to firm up the rules on automation, and enforce them if broken. I think a macro like this will result in more hp healed over a period of time than possible through manual button pressing through the minimization of delay. That is the advantage that I...
  9. Strigo

    My Smart Bandageself Script

    "Players may not use any automation scripts while pvping or in any game setting. This includes; Potion throwing, auto potion usage, auto trap pouch usage and more.... No automation will be tolerated!" The rules state in any game setting, so pvp or pvm shouldn't make a difference for automation...
  10. Strigo

    My Smart Bandageself Script

    "Players may not use any automation scripts while pvping or in any game setting. This includes; Potion throwing, auto potion usage, auto trap pouch usage and more.... No automation will be tolerated!" my posted script checks for being poisoned and drinks a cure, on loop. that's auto potion...
  11. Strigo

    My Smart Bandageself Script

    Thanks haly. if poisoned 'self' usetype '0xf07' pause 200 endif The above is illegal though, right?
  12. Strigo

    Sallos users

    This is fantastic, thanks. Now if only somebody could fix the blackscreen from galleons :rolleyes:
  13. Strigo

    My Smart Bandageself Script

    @eppy @halygon @drinn can a staff member chime in on whether or not this is legal? a looping macro that only fires when conditions are met (hits/poisoned) sounds like pvp automation to me, but what do I know.
  14. Strigo

    If you were unable...

    You're right. People that are dumb wouldn't bring in a second character to save their head. What point were you trying to make again?
  15. Strigo

    If you were unable...

    I get the feeling this guy is a troll - people this dumb normally don't make it to adolescence.
  16. Strigo

    higher tier veterans rewards

    agree that additional tiers of veteran rewards would be cool
  17. Strigo

    WTS Vet Ethy Dye

  18. Strigo

    WTS Zombie red (2117) and zombie green (61) title hues

    agreed to sell to zoobler, sorry. if something goes sideways, i'll let you know
  19. Strigo

    WTS Bulk Fencing (Super) Slayers - Auction

    sorry i didn't respond earlier. leetstreet, i'll get it to you tomorrow for 110