Search results

  1. Mango

    WTB Large Moonglow House (or other nice 18x18)

    generally around 800k unless you got a sweet location
  2. Mango

    WTB Looking for Plant vendors!

    Thanks! :D
  3. Mango

    Forever Talisman?

    yup! this was on the dono vendor a few months back. Edit: purely cosmetic
  4. Mango

    WTB Looking for Plant vendors!

    not sure if im going to be on today, Do you have a screenshot of your shop? I'm happy to find it and mark a rune to check up on your vendors :D
  5. Mango

    remove mob instant aggro

    UO is based on real life, and a real life Dragon wouldn't pause before chasing you down the alley.
  6. Mango

    Equip Weapon & Shield

    yaaay got it Experience, thanks! :D updated op incase anyone needs it in the future
  7. Mango

    Equip Weapon & Shield

    * edit OP
  8. Mango

    Equip Weapon & Shield

    Assign and equip weapon / sheild (Great for after recalling or getting disarmed) if not @findlayer 'self' 1 equipitem 'weapon' 1 pause 100 if not @findlayer 'self' 1 promptalias 'weapon' equipitem 'weapon' 1 endif endif if not @findlayer 'self' 2 equipitem...
  9. Mango

    Are there any cosmetics that mimic the appearance of Hat of the Magi and Inquis gloves?

    you could use Ice white cloth and tailor the hat probably. I don't think I've seen fallon blue plate gloves though (I could be wrong). If they exist, it would likely be something that used to be on the donation vendor
  10. Mango

    New player. What Launcher should i use?

    razor : Great for setting up basic macros steam : Little more difficult to make macros, but alot more possibilities. (worth it, especially with the new macro section on the forum) sallos : awesome for PVP, alot smoother character running. Not good for rendering custom images (Generally in RDAs...
  11. Mango

    WTB Looking for Plant vendors!

    Looking to buy some plants! Anyone know of some good plant vendors? ^_^
  12. Mango

    WTS Taming +1 SS

    only about 7m more gold, and I can start a tamer :D
  13. Mango

    WTS -

    Look for my vendor (Mango!) at SillySanta's workshop north of Yew Moongate! MOTM Super Slayers (Elemental Ban) - 10k MOTM RUNIC Super Slayers (Elemental Ban) - 20-25k Poisoning SS - 90k Magic Resist SS - 12k Christmas Skin Dyes - 15k
  14. Mango

    CTF Video!

    pew pew pew!!!
  15. Mango

    Out of Memory fix.

  16. Mango

    Cellar Layouts

    Wow, I haven't seen some of these before. Super awesome, thanks for sharing this :D
  17. Mango

    Permanent Body Paint

    I stopped using body paint after the pink hued paint turned white after logging out and back in :(
  18. Mango

    Timelapse House Builds

    wow awesome job on the houses! <3
  19. Mango

    Events scoreboard rigged? Events rigged?

    I'm almost never on for events, the ones I hear about on the forums, usually run at around 10pm my time. Even though I somewhat agree, There's events that do occasionally go on at non-peak hours. I've logged on at 4am a few times and have seen some town like cove have invasions happening...
  20. Mango

    Runics in CTF

    You don't need high-end weapons to get top kills/damage isn't that hard. I get it almost every time i go to a CTF, regardless if I'm using my val runic spear/warhammer or just a dc runic katana. Just sit in the middle and hit all the casters that don't move :p If I can get 1st, I can't...