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  1. HellGuy

    Does Vivify Relic summons get dispelled by mobs?

    I figured that out when I could solo the ogre mage with a deamon tanking it :)
  2. HellGuy

    WTB .

    How much are you paying? I got one.
  3. HellGuy

    Dimensional Archway

    Afaik, scroll is the recipe for it, you need lot materials and some crafting skills to get it done.
  4. HellGuy

    WTS 18x14 Dagger Isle Max Storage House

    I can sell the 18*18 right next to it too, if your offer is good.
  5. HellGuy

    Dimensional Archway

    I got the scroll, if you want?
  6. HellGuy

    WTS Dispersion Relic

  7. HellGuy

    WTS Enchanted Manacles (Asylum rare drop) 300k B/O

    This is not an auction anymore. 300k, take it or leave it :)
  8. HellGuy

    PC on Title: Foul

    How much gold would Title: Foul scroll worth?
  9. HellGuy

    WTS Leech relic - sold

    SOLD - Thank you
  10. HellGuy

    WTS Leech relic - sold

    Leech relic. 48 hour auction, timer starts after first bid. 1,000,000gp s/b 1,500,000gp b/o
  11. HellGuy

    WTS Enchanted Manacles (Asylum rare drop) 300k B/O

    price changed. Up you go.
  12. HellGuy

    WTS 10K of Each Reg 250K Big Savings over vendor and more convenient

    some directions would have made it easier to find it.
  13. HellGuy

    PvM Dexxer with parry

    Well, trying meta doesn't cost you anything but 30 Vanq weapons, which i am sure your bard stacked plenty. So give it a try. On the other hand, with gm parry and some magic armor, you can tank ogre lord without a problem. All you need is a good shield but keeping it repaired is important.
  14. HellGuy

    WTB Barbed Leather Armor Suits (BULK)

    Thanks for trade.
  15. HellGuy

    WTS Impish Watch Price Drop 1M

    I would have been very angry if I had bought one for 1.75 and see second one for 1m. Which brings me to my current point, how wold I can trust you that you are not going to sell one other for 50k...
  16. HellGuy

    WTB Barbed Leather Armor Suits (BULK)

    I can do it for 50k
  17. HellGuy

    WTS December MotM ratman black spellbook - full and blessed

    seriously how come i could not sell it till now...
  18. HellGuy

    WTS December MotM ratman black spellbook - full and blessed

    It is the best colored spellbook ever.