Search results

  1. P

    WTS Bulk Regs

    What the duce?!? 60k each? Why?
  2. P

    How do they IDOC with 100% Accurate Timing?

    That's because a single guild gets 90% of them. They've been able to time almost every single IDOC down to the second. Seems amazing.
  3. P

    How do they IDOC with 100% Accurate Timing?

    It was 6 hours and 8 minutes AFTER my friend FOUND it. So if he found it EXACTLY at the point it went IDOC, then it wasn't exactly 6 hours... You think he happened upon it right as it went IDOC?
  4. P

    Where can I find Ogre Mages?

    Wrong. They're brutal.
  5. P

    How do they IDOC with 100% Accurate Timing?

    So a friend of mine found an IDOC the old fashion way. After 5 hours after him finding it, we choose to camp it. 6 hours go by, and nobody shows up. We're thinking "Wow, we got lucky". Then boom a gate, and 10 seconds later the house drops. How does someone get the timing down to the...
  6. P

    WTS WTS Black Dye Tub

    Make Offer.
  7. P

    How do I Multi Client?

    I had to edit the config file to add UOF login server info ****
  8. P

    Sallos fix list

    WTF. I was going to switch to Sallos, but What DOES work?
  9. P

    Does anyone use BOTH UOS, and Sallos?

    Can I point Sallos to the copy?
  10. P

    Treasure Coins

    How about just reduce the PvM ability of tamers? Won't happen.. Tamers sell Dono coins.
  11. P

    WTB Quest Vanqs

    I'm buying Quest vanqs Contact me on Discord, I'll return your contact when I'm home from work. Psymon#8203
  12. P

    Does anyone use BOTH UOS, and Sallos?

    I ask because I'm much more comfortable with UOS in PvE, but want to start using Sallos for PvP, and when I'm more comfortable with it and have my Script Library built up switch over. Anyone use both? I know I shouldn't use the same install of UO because they'll conflict. How do you...
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    WTS 18x18 No Mount No Cut(SOLD)

    MeLoveUOLongTime DISC Contact info?
  14. P

    WTT Looking For Owners: Southern Minoc Towers (Row of Three)

    Its new then.. last few days.
  15. P

    WTT Looking For Owners: Southern Minoc Towers (Row of Three)

    The middle tower has been missing for a week. It wasn't there. I was tempted to place, but didn't.
  16. P

    WTS 20,000 Dono.

  17. P

    WTS 20,000 Dono.

    3.75mil Discord Psymon#8203
  18. P

    WTS 18x18 No Mount No Cut(SOLD)

  19. P

    SMM's Public Skill Training Macros

    Carpentry one is broken. The Gumps must have changed.
  20. P

    WTS 18x18 No Mount No Cut(SOLD)

    I'll do 3 mill. I'll have to sell some Dono, because 150k per is 20k-25k lower then standing offers on the Buying forum.