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  1. P

    WTS Visionary Title Scroll

    65k I'd like this for my Crafter "Steve Jobs"
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    NEW EPISODE: Jakaro Comes Out of Retirement!

    pretty low quality content...
  3. P

    WTB 105 Blacksmith, 115 Mining,

    Update, Looking for 110 BS, 115 Mining
  4. P

    WTS Paralytic Venom Relic

    WTS a Paralytic Venom Relic, Or Trade for a Berzerker Relic.
  5. P

    New to this shard but not to the game

    I sold my characters ONLY, no houses for over 400, Any account with castles was 900-2000 bucks between 1997-2003.. Dudes full of pooh pooh.
  6. P

    WTS Some PS

    Any one else get reply's?
  7. P

    WTS Paralytic Venom Relic

    WTS/WTT, Looking for Double Strike.
  8. P

    WTS Phase Shift Relic

    I'll give you every single gold piece I have... all 624k of it.
  9. P

    WTB Clothing Bless Deed

    Anyone need to get rid of a Clothing Bless?
  10. P

    WTS Classic Keep

    I wish I had the gold for this. Some of the most Nostalgic days of UO for me were played in a Keep. Will you take a slightly used kidney?
  11. P

    WTB 105 Blacksmith, 115 Mining,

    Reply here with Discord contact if you've got these for sale.
  12. P

    Bandage Self, that Won't let me RESTART

    Cerebellum, Love you man... Didn't realize it would stop when I ran another macro. Bummer.. works good when I don't need to run another Macro.
  13. P

    How do they IDOC with 100% Accurate Timing?

    Khajja, Oddly several that showed up to the last one was dressed like meta tamers, with 20-30 million worth of clothing on. It wasn't dedication that won them that IDOC, it was overwhelming force.
  14. P

    Blacksmith BOD PS

    What is the prospecting tool for? I've got 2 from 4 years ago, but forget what they're for.
  15. P

    105 BS PS.

  16. P

    WTS 115 animal tamin cheap

    How much is cheap? A friend is looking for 1.
  17. P

    WTS Some PS

    How much 115 mining?
  18. P

    Bandage Self, that Won't let me RESTART

    I cannot get Bandage Timer to work, I believe because it's not a static time. Sometimes while in the PvM'ing some of the harder mobs, I mistime my bandage self macro, and accidentally restart. Is there a script that wont' allow me to restart a bandage?
  19. P

    105 BS PS.

    Looking for a 105 Blacksmithing Power Scroll.
  20. P

    WTS Bulk Regs

    I'm not talking about your PRICE. I'm talking about who buys 60k? Unless you planned to vendor it, but then you'd have to price it at close to double the other vendors to not take a loss. 60k would last me 2-3 years. That's a lot of regs. Maybe break it down into smaller...