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  1. BakedDaily

    Would love to play here on phone

    Not hating but currently in overseas no access to a comp.I instead use the play uo on a phone and it works great,The Shard I play I don't have to connect to my comp to play,the DL mul files etc are able to dl and patch comp free.Is this a possibility here??I much rather play here
  2. BakedDaily

    WTS *** Unique *** Wind Tunnel House

    About 200 250k per 1k
  3. BakedDaily

    World Facets available here in UOF

    It's best to go check out uoforever wikis site just google it help answer about everything from new pvm talismans, tons of tameables,and the rest of the content.I also recommend using the uoforever discord not as many people use the forms,I just stick around to try to steer new people the right way.
  4. BakedDaily

    World Facets available here in UOF

    No is a simple answer.I personally think trammel ruined the main game here we just got fel.The staff has other areas that have been created that's new to you that not on the official.I still recommend giving this shard a try there's plenty of things to do pvm style you never even heard of .
  5. BakedDaily

    Need help with Treasure Maps and treasure hunting

    Are you using uo automap or a sextent if you close to the coords it should start telling you what your digging up after a few tries?If so have you tried another map or are you just using one?
  6. BakedDaily

    Need help with Treasure Maps and treasure hunting There you go my friend google does wonders. That's the link to the wiki page
  7. BakedDaily

    WTS *** Unique *** Wind Tunnel House

    I think he will take less.
  8. BakedDaily

    Fishing Issues

    Did you read how these work?I don't think you did i recommend doing a forum search here.Evem better go to the uof wiki.It would be wise to learn own your own.
  9. BakedDaily

    Best meta pets ?

    Well of the staff would listen to my suggestions meta cats or dogs would be op.As over now they're basically all the same with a lil give or take on each preference.
  10. BakedDaily

    Reds In Cities

    I run around solo in town,but we need more reds in town. #redlivesmatter.
  11. BakedDaily

    WTS .

  12. BakedDaily

    Fishing up MIB question.

    This is ultima online, even fishing has it dangers.If I was you I'd have a fisherman with provo ,if that's not your thing do archery. It's pretty simple and if your fisherman is a mule char bring another char in as long said.Good fishing
  13. BakedDaily

    WTS AUCTION: Very Rare Dragon Head Hue 971

    SAME AS PHRYGIAN SAID BUMP!,Someone gove this man/woman a bid!
  14. BakedDaily

    WTS .

    Can I get a Pothead discount as I'm BakedDaily?
  15. BakedDaily


    Pop is around 900 ppl assuming theres 2 accts per person running atcall times.I got 1 question you the devil from uoforever on old school (baja) guild?
  16. BakedDaily

    WTS Hellkite Wyrm: New Tameable

    I think you can attempt to heal any animal/pet without vet, it just won't heal nearly as much.
  17. BakedDaily


    Bro try to trade that vesper set for it.
  18. BakedDaily

    WTS Bloodstained Surcoat

    Sorry I'm retracting my bid just bought one for 17 mil.Sorry if I caused any inconvenience. Best of luck!
  19. BakedDaily

    WTS Bloodstained Surcoat

  20. BakedDaily


    West side of trinny walls :)