Search results

  1. lollo

    WTS 18x18 NO CUT!!! taking offers NO TRADES

    Well how much are you looking to get
  2. lollo

    WTS (SOLD) 26x taming SS

    Sold for 7.150.000
  3. lollo

    WTS (SOLD) 26x taming SS

    Sb accepted Closing this on friday!
  4. lollo

    WTS (SOLD) 26x taming SS

    for all you lazy mofos Sb 7m
  5. lollo


    Yes hmu on disc0rd nome is L O L L O
  6. lollo

    Not sure if I made it in time

    ehm, nobody's friended to your houses and can refresh them?
  7. lollo

    Give People A Reason To Play UOF...

    the UOF homepage still shows militias....just saying
  8. lollo

    WTS Selling 100 Spider Points (powerscrolls).

    Is the new form aestethic only?
  9. lollo

    WTS Selling 100 Spider Points (powerscrolls).

    how does this work?
  10. lollo

    WTS [Price Reduced]16x18 Max Storage NO SPAWN WATERFRONT

    I wouldn't call that "slight blockage"
  11. lollo

    WTT Charcoal Beetle for Charcoal War Dog

    I still have one (other than the one i sold you)
  12. lollo

    Unmounted perks

    PKs are gonna love this! +1
  13. lollo

    WTS Dressed to Kill

    Book was a UOF year one dono item, there are like 3-4 in existence
  14. lollo

    WTS Brittanian Ship

    Just post a decent enough offer and i'm sure bromista will not give 2 shits about what guild you're in. On the other hand, if you're upset you cannot buy this galleon for 2-3m, you're simply ********.
  15. lollo

    Where is everyone from a few years ago?

    man that video lol
  16. lollo

    WTS Auction - all three lunch totes

  17. lollo

    WTS Dressed to Kill

    That's super cheap, book alone should be worth 10+ imho
  18. lollo

    WTS Brittanian Ship

    ok, 2.15m
  19. lollo

    WTS Auction - all three lunch totes
