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  1. aIck

    Features removed from UO Forever?

    Yes they do, this is a customized shard you silly goose. Dono vendors didn't give free stuff to GM Beggars on OSI either.
  2. aIck


    Here's what pieces I have at the moment: 2 x norse helmet 2 x bronze shield 2 x ringmail sleeves 1 x ringmail gloves 1 x platemail gorget Dunno if the piece matters for whatever one needs 'em for, just thought I'd let you know.
  3. aIck

    Features removed from UO Forever?

    Satiation levels and being in a dungeon affect skill gains. That been said, the older char wasn't probably fed or hydrated properly.
  4. aIck

    Trash Talk Forum

    Neither are 90% of the people who are posting ******** shit there atm. You'll fit right in!
  5. aIck

    3 days ago i was banned on irc.....

    I'm pretty sure @drasked was just advocating for free Anal Expulsion Mastery. Those licenses cost a lot you know
  6. aIck

    Happy Australian day or what so ever..!

    wow w0t a cheeky * m8
  7. aIck


    Why not just cast Reveal though?
  8. aIck

    1k Club Represent!

    get duuuunked oooon !
  9. aIck


    Fuck you man I'd be able to chug Kool-Aid faster you can puncture me with your shitty knife even if it's coated with AIDS
  10. aIck

    Full Update w/ Window's XP

    For the same reason you all nerds play this 20-year old wizard game in 2016 ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡•)
  11. aIck


    Depends. If it's something like burning herbs and yelling words of power to conjure up spells I'm willing to suspend my disbelief, it's a fantasy game after all. Poison my weapon is coated with not entering my foe even though I just rammed it through him because I'm not proficient at applying...
  12. aIck


    Are you seriously comparing stabbing people with a weapon dribbling with fucking poison to taming and controlling mythical beasts? Like, seriously, seriously?
  13. aIck

    Why Finland is the best.

    It's pretty grim, yes. Worst part is that people straight out refuse to believe anything bad can come out of this and keep on polishing their shitty halos. It's like a mass phychosis. Dare to say nothing good will come out of this? You're branded a bigoted racist faster than a feminist cries...
  14. aIck

    Why Finland is the best.

    T'was more of a jab at this thing that happened last year. People eat shit up no questions asked if it has anything to do with dem refugees.
  15. aIck

    Why Finland is the best.

    Ah, no wonder we're getting shafted by the endless stream of 17-year old beard children invading our country.
  16. aIck


    lmao quality thread so the poison the weapon is coated with should absolutely refuse to seep into the wound inflicted by the said weapon for some reason k implement this pls pots r op wtf like on what logic should somebody who cannot make pot drink it???? on what logic should a wepon...
  17. aIck

    Handouts for European timezone players

    Does your computer spontaneously combust if left unattended or what?
  18. aIck

    Quitting UOF

    gibe ethy llamas pls im poor pls