Search results

  1. Nasak

    WTS selling layered charcoal bone mask 1.6 mill

    still avail?
  2. Nasak

    WTS 10k Dono for Gold and/or Meta/Egg

    still got dono?
  3. Nasak

    WTS or WTT Phase shift relic -- SOLD - 1.8 mil

    SOLD 1.8 mil
  4. Nasak

    WTS Statues!

    I will be back in about an hour and a half if that's good for u. Just had to run n do some errands
  5. Nasak

    WTS Statues!

    just one of them +D
  6. Nasak

    WTS Statues!

  7. Nasak

    WTS or WTT Phase shift relic -- SOLD - 1.8 mil

    Yup -- i was gonna eat it but not working my meta dexxer as much as I need to be.. need taming relics take gold - dono - wearables whatever offer !
  8. Nasak

    WTS Rare Delicate Origami Butterfly SOLD

    Sold 450k
  9. Nasak

    WTS Rare Delicate Origami Butterfly SOLD

    last one sold for 450k asking for 400k
  10. Nasak

    WTS Rares/Houses/Everything!

    got any blood red cloth left?
  11. Nasak

    WTS Statues!

    Plague Beast Cow a wooly sheep headless skeleton polar bear lizardman hell hound stone harpy gazer PW lich Make offers
  12. Nasak

    WTS New Rare Saddle -- Great House Deco!!

    will consider trade for other rares or dono
  13. Nasak

    WTS New Rare Saddle -- Great House Deco!!

    i seen stables that are incomplete without a saddle !!