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  1. Maverick1980

    WTS 30x30 Dagger Island!! Sold

    So don't buy it, it's not going anywhere for anything less.. i am not selling it because i need gold i have plenty of gold.. i am only giving someone else a chance to own a large house since i got the plot i have been waiting for and i didn't complain about the price when i bought it, hell i...
  2. Maverick1980

    WTS 30x30 Dagger Island!! Sold

    you can ask for whatever you want for your possessions it's called Freedom, i am sorry if you can't afford it but i have 3 parties interested so i think ill be fine and don't worry you will get to the point you can afford a 30x30.. dream big my friend. LOL
  3. Maverick1980

    WTS 30x30 Dagger Island!! Sold

    SB - 70m BI - 1m BO - 90m Bidding will end 48hrs after final bid! Good Luck!!
  4. Maverick1980


    since there has been no serious bids i am closing this auction
  5. Maverick1980


    Starting Bid is 5.5m which is really just the cost of the level 5's and 6's with cab making 1-4 basically free if no bids come in any higher than SB therefore the price won't be going any lower.. sorry
  6. Maverick1980


    Its a full tmap cabinet 150 of each level! SB - 5.5m BI - 100k BO - N/A
  7. Maverick1980

    WTS +3 Armor Patches x3 Auction - SOLD

    I have 3, +3 Outer Torso Armor Patches For Auction! SB - 4.5m BI - 100k BO - 10m Auction Ends 24hrs After Last Bid Unless BO is Met!
  8. Maverick1980

    WTS Rares- some you may never see again

    4: 1.5 Mine! i will haunt you in your dreams Sam!
  9. Maverick1980

    WTS Rares- some you may never see again

    Item 4: 1.2m
  10. Maverick1980

    WTS Rares- some you may never see again

    Item 4: Nest with eggs I bid 1m
  11. Maverick1980

    WTS 13x18 Max/No Blockage or Spawn SOLD

    SB - 2.5m BI - 100k BO - 4m Bidding Ends 24hrs After Final Bid, PM Maverick#5378 if any questions. Thank You and GL!
  12. Maverick1980

    WTS 11x14 Yew Gate 2nd House West Gate! Very Rare!! SOLD

    You win ABanjak, PM me a time that is good for you and Grats!
  13. Maverick1980

    WTS 18x15 East Brit X Road! SOLD

    apparently Nebula wants to try and troll the sale by placing a garbage plot with a solo wall blocking the front steps more, its not going to change the price jr but nt ;)
  14. Maverick1980

    WTS 18x15 East Brit X Road! SOLD

    Solo tree at front step is the only blockage, right next to the road and no spawn. Just outside Comp Desert for prime tamer training! SB - 3m BI - 100k BO - 5m Bidding Ends 24hrs After Final Bid, PM Maverick#5378 if any questions.. Thank You and GL!
  15. Maverick1980

    WTS Level 7 Meta Drag x2 Rollovers SOLD

    Max QS/Molten/Nox lvl 7 Bloody x2 Rollovers so Fruit worthy as you can see it has good stats/skills SB - 17m BI - 100k BO - 20m Bidding Ends 24hrs After Final Bid, PM Maverick#5378 if any questions!