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  1. Steezie E

    WTS Focus relic

    How about 2.2? Neither of us are happy that way. Sign of a good compromise.
  2. Steezie E


    Congrats! Almost lvl close... How is long did it take you to get vivify up and do you know what constitutes getting two points instead of one while summoning?
  3. Steezie E

    Leveling Defensive Talisman

    Go beat up Ogre Lords
  4. Steezie E

    WTS Phase Shift (sold)

    4M Willing to accept trades - Looking for focus relic+gold/wearables but open to offers.
  5. Steezie E

    So how is it?

    The former.
  6. Steezie E

    Hey guys

    This game is full of stuff like that. Having any helpful info out there, no matter how trivial it might be, is helpful.
  7. Steezie E

    So how is it?

    @drasked I have never once healed with a yellow pot for 30hp, that is a stretch. 25hp if you are lucky. Not trying to split hairs or get off topic though. Continue on with the denial/stubbornness/ignorance everyone and let's not forget The narcissism.
  8. Steezie E

    So a Dragon Head?

    No, this is just a trophy.
  9. Steezie E

    Just GM'ed taming, now what?

    Tame a dragon and a white wyrm. Slay everything pick up gold. You will need to be saving 10's of mils to get the 120 taming power scroll, pretty much can only afford it if you already have it or dont need it, so I would worry about that instead of the 20x skill scrolls.
  10. Steezie E

    Phase shift toggle

    Then you are changing proc rate to 0% I want to change mine to 100%
  11. Steezie E

    So how is it?

    Heal potions have a cooldown whereas purple ones have none/time to throw them. Also they heal for less than what you are being hit for.
  12. Steezie E

    Phase shift toggle

    If I could choose when dispersion activated, that would be nice also.
  13. Steezie E

    So how is it?

    Maybe a CD on purple pots and/or disable sallos use?
  14. Steezie E

    Hey everyone. Looking for my dream home!

    Hello. Put all your crud in some pack horses and keep your fingers crossed. Good luck!
  15. Steezie E

    Beware The Sasquatch!

    He enjoys fishsteaks
  16. Steezie E

    Halloween Mobs

    I dont keep track of how many, but it has to be a couple dozen. 1 WW costume, 1 pet exp perk, one paint and 2 chests.
  17. Steezie E

    Hi everyone!

  18. Steezie E

    Beware The Sasquatch!

    Confirmed. I have sighted the beast on multiple occasions. I am attempting to forge a connection with him through gifts of fresh meat, cheese, and ale.
  19. Steezie E

    Hi there all

    Welcome to the blessing/curse that is UO!
  20. Steezie E

    Dont trust Biff#5840

    That sucks. Wait...your name is free real estate?...