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  1. Weland

    dono item - ghost mount

    Next you'll want a ghost stun punch lol
  2. Weland

    Accept trading in-game gp with real dollars

    Servers aren't cheap. Donations drive the content upgrades and server costs. Yes it is a business in the long run but that business have offered a stable place to play UO for a long time without corruption or failing. It has a strong but whiny community, not directed at your previous comment...
  3. Weland

    Accept trading in-game gp with real dollars

    Yea but if you like the server why not just donate and sell the donation coins? If this was allowed the people who buy dono strictly for that purpose, which I'm sure is a lot would just pay a player less $ for more gold because the people will sell gold for less than dono trades just for the...
  4. Weland

    WTB Gold Relic

    Final bump going to bed PM if you have one for sale.
  5. Weland

    WTB GREEN NETS @@!!@@!!!!@@!!!!

  6. Weland

    WTB Gold Relic

  7. Weland

    WTB Gold Relic

  8. Weland

    WTB Gold Relic

    500k Open to negotiations IRC Gortimar
  9. Weland

    Young Players shouldnt be able to attack MOTM

    I disagree. We either need to do away with the young player system or greatly reduce the length/skills. You don't need to get to GM anything to get a feel for the game. This will eliminate abuse of the system which I'm sure is the reason you are upset. However people new to the game...
  10. Weland

    Get Rich, Shane

    Oh.....I see now. I have reached clarity. Thank you Cack :confused:
  11. Weland

    Question about Healing

    Move around don't try to stand toe to toe with something that does more dps than you. As your healing gets higher the time reduces. So hit and run tactics will help.
  12. Weland

    Get Rich, Shane

    The confusion continues o_O
  13. Weland

    Get Rich, Shane

    You lost me on this one Cack. I didn't mention anything about rewards or anything of that nature. I believe you may have taken my reply out of context.
  14. Weland

    The Meta Dexxer's Lounge and Beard Bar

    Not going zerk :)
  15. Weland

    fix meteor swarm

    It shouldn't work on houses o_O my foundation is solid!
  16. Weland

    The Meta Dexxer's Lounge and Beard Bar

    So I was just looking at my Dexxer and I noticed I have some free skill space. Swords, tactics, anat, healing, parry........for pvm what would make a good use of the last two. I get mage/scrib or alchy for potios but those are pvp temps right. What would be good for a champ/pvm?
  17. Weland

    Vendor Stables

    Perhaps we could make stables for players to sell pets. It could have a simple image such as some fences together and have various sizes = amount of pets. Tamers can then tame for example a WW and put it in the vendor stable and set a price. When a potential buyer double clicks the stable it...
  18. Weland

    Magery med combo macro

    Welcome to UOF then. If you are running UOSteam then I recommend There are a lot of scripts on there that are very useful. Just remember that afk harvesting is illegal on this shard. I got a great mining macro there that I tweaked a...
  19. Weland

    WTB Lock picking boxes

    Thanks I'll have to go check him out. I just buckled and started working my carp and made a box that got me into the 80's. So I'll need one to get me into the 90's next I'm sure.
  20. Weland

    power and eqms allies now????

    Today's tally. 4 stacks of 60k and 2 paragon deamon chests. 2x deaths to power lost about 10k in gold and gear each time......they can ally all they want I still make gains. *places anti EQMS/POWER charm in the ground* o_O