Search results

  1. Phrygian

    Dexer Data - Stamina Loss Per Hit

    They do not get the benefit either, tested today.
  2. Phrygian

    Alt Tab problem

    Causes: Variety of issues, toolbar data not showing, flickering, general issues Affected Systems: All Solution: Find the razor icon on your desktop, right click on it and select properties. Check the box marked “Run This program in compatibility mode”. Select Windows XP Service Pack 3 from the...
  3. Phrygian

    Give People A Reason To Play UOF...

    Great suggestions. Dig where this is going, hopefully the right people get involved.
  4. Phrygian

    WTS Rare and Unique Pets Collection

    Those are so rad.
  5. Phrygian

    The East Brit Invasion was silly

    I quite enjoy no pet invasions.
  6. Phrygian

    WTS Shadowy

    Mage Meta Talisman Relic, Shadow Disciple.
  7. Phrygian


    Butlers are choppable, replaceable, and dressable as of 2 days ago.
  8. Phrygian

    How many characters can I have on one account?

    3. You can purchase additional slots for 1m gold.
  9. Phrygian

    A Proposal for the Return of Stealable Rares

    It actually quite bothered me, when I started playing here 7 or so months ago, to find out that this was removed. It's still in the Features and the initial info given to players about the server, and was something that I was looking forward to. It's still advertised as one of the "points" of...
  10. Phrygian

    WTS Rares & Handouts (pics)

    So sad I missed the Blood Bucket :(
  11. Phrygian

    Mista's ModPack v1.7 - Weekend Update!

    Still wishing we had Fel Trees <3
  12. Phrygian

    PC on some Items

    3) 50k 4) 300k From what I've seen.
  13. Phrygian

    Rogue Talisman help!

    Beserker Tali archer out damages a rogue tali archer.
  14. Phrygian

    WTS Jolly Bone Containers & Bad Elf Chair

    150k on red bone container
  15. Phrygian

    WTS Orcish Crusty Cauldron

    That's tight.
  16. Phrygian

    How does the defensive wrestling calculation work?

    No stun without anatomy.