Search results

  1. RAVE GL

    30x30 ballpark

    Great! I have 8 million. lets make it happen.
  2. RAVE GL

    Honest, kinda laughable question.

    I like stealth archer. can still use super slayers to do good damage kiting mobs, and if need be, hide and take a walk when trouble comes. equipment needed: bow arrows bandaids and some recall regs, maybe cure pots if you're killing casters but a good placed bandaid and smart play you won't...
  3. RAVE GL

    30x30 ballpark

    Brom, can I have a 30x30? I'll playyou for it in a game of carmageddon.
  4. RAVE GL

    30x30 ballpark

    I like castles as much as the next guy, but just seems like a lot of wasted space due to the design. Love the posts tho, you guys are entertaining! Nice way to spend a Friday afternoon at work... (and mining) 8 million saved.
  5. RAVE GL

    30x30 ballpark

    looks like I got a ways to go then. only half-way there. kicker is, it isn't even for me! I want to give my guild a cool place to hang out and mess around. any plot on ice is complete shit imo. Have to agree with several of you who are like-minded.
  6. RAVE GL

    30x30 ballpark

    what are these going for these days? assuming they are being sold...
  7. RAVE GL

    WTB 18x18 or 17x18 on Water Edge one bought

    your inbox is full
  8. RAVE GL

    WTB 18x18 or bigger

    just looked at it, I'm interested (and at your place)
  9. RAVE GL

    WTB 18x18 or bigger

    can I come see the location?
  10. RAVE GL

    WTB 18x18 or bigger

    before I build out on a nice piece of land I got, just wanted to double check and see if anyone is selling an 18x18. What I'm looking for specifically, is a plot with water either directly to the EAST or SOUTH of the plot with no other housing in the way.
  11. RAVE GL

    Moonglow IDOC

    whats the timers on greatlys? @drinn is it 24 hour?
  12. RAVE GL

    WTB House!

    its a plot. I scouted it earlier and you can have it for a small finders fee. House +fee won't exceed 230k
  13. RAVE GL

    WTB House!

    how about 10x12?
  14. RAVE GL

    WTS auction 70ps - 105

    350k my bid
  15. RAVE GL

    WTS 120 Tinker

    If you lower sb I'll take a crack at it
  16. RAVE GL

    Temple Island Houses

    perhaps a formula? Account playtime/month = x if X < # = yes, accelerate decay rate... or something to that effect.
  17. RAVE GL

    WTS stage 4 meta - 4 million s/b.

  18. RAVE GL

    WTS stage 4 meta - 4 million s/b.

    I'll entertain offers if it means a quick sale, thx Salsa!
  19. RAVE GL

    pc on meta lvl 4, balled and has meta stone

    I think I'd rather hang myself with piano cord. lol
  20. RAVE GL

    WTS stage 4 meta - 4 million s/b.

    comes with ball and stone. house trained. won't soil the carpets. not good with kids. 4 million s/b 5 million b/o auction ends midnight tonight, central time US.