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  1. RAVE GL


    Thanks tank, I bought the Serpents house, while smaller, it suits my needs (for now) as a launching point. Still looking for that 18x18 tho...
  2. RAVE GL

    Must Have: Tamers non-afk skill gain Macro

    Don't worry about it. The retame is always appreciated because it's harder thus needs/gains higher skill. If it's untamable it'll say it's has too many masters anyway and then the right thing to do is wack it.
  3. RAVE GL

    WTS 18x18, 3 sides water, no blockage! Charity Auction!

    I woulda sold you mind if I got this one, its 2 screens south of trinsic for a whole lot less gold and same size.
  4. RAVE GL

    WTB THIS PLOT, LOOK, do you own it?

    @a Void was looking for you
  5. RAVE GL

    WTS 1 meta dragon egg!!!!

    I might be interested in the emerald hue if it was 900k
  6. RAVE GL

    WTB **LOOK HERE* THIS PLOT - Do you own it?

    If you do, I'd like to put in an offer to buy. You're obviously not using it for anything other than stacking chests. let me know!
  7. RAVE GL

    Housing for new players?

    I've been spending a lot of time the last few weeks getting housing for new players or those who don't have a house, or want a bigger one. There are quite a few spots that would fit 8x12's or 12x8's. Usually don't charge for the service unless its a huge plot, in that case, finders fee is nice...
  8. RAVE GL

    New to UO:F

    honestly best and cheapest to run I'd say is a stealth archer. all you need is a bow, arrows and Band-Aids. no armor (because you stealth) good bows are plentiful, and arrows are cheap. with the PK population on the server, its nice to be able to walk around hidden. don't forget to macro your...
  9. RAVE GL

    Alchey Factory (automated multiple Potion Keg Filler)

    Wonderful! Thank you! Didn't test exp but I'll wait to see what you guys find.
  10. RAVE GL

    WTB House <200k

    Cheers! Can't wait to see what you build. There's a couple nice island themed houses around there
  11. RAVE GL

    WTB House <200k

    I got a couple locations I can show you for 12x8 you can build yourself.
  12. RAVE GL

    Nick, sell me your 30x30. I'll do good with it and make it into something for TBA

    Nick, sell me your 30x30. I'll do good with it and make it into something for TBA
  13. RAVE GL

    WTB LOOK**YOUR 18x18 (stop refreshing and sell to me)

    still looking for this owner. come out come out wherever you are
  14. RAVE GL

    WTB THIS PLOT, LOOK, do you own it?

    @Leewald7 well, build something on it then. tired of running past it and imaging what a sweet house it would make.
  15. RAVE GL

    WTB THIS PLOT, LOOK, do you own it?

    If so, sell it to me. You're obviously not using it for anything.
  16. RAVE GL

    WTT 18x18 water on south or east side

    no. I'm buying.
  17. RAVE GL

    WTT 18x18 PLOT Wanted

    I might have one. what are you paying?