Search results

  1. Godsrage

    WTS Buttercup's Rando Stuff

  2. Godsrage

    WTS 1288 hue chest from fishing tournament

    I know later on some one will sale one and i will get it for 50k hahahaha
  3. Godsrage

    WTS 1288 hue chest from fishing tournament

    all he trying to do is push up the price extremely greedy,all we have to do is wake away there are outer ones out there
  4. Godsrage

    WTS One of a Kind Statue **TRUE RARE**

    i remember some one at yew had one love see it everyone day one day i will have one
  5. Godsrage

    WTS One of a Kind Statue **TRUE RARE**

    love that statue
  6. Godsrage

    a pirates life for me

    have not seen you for some time how have you been RAVE
  7. Godsrage

    WTS 1288 hue chest from fishing tournament

    there so much stuff that is way over price in the game hell look at all the vendors at Yew bank
  8. Godsrage

    WTS 1288 hue chest from fishing tournament

    10 mil for a chest i have a gold chest for 10 mil if you like and it empty
  9. Godsrage

    WTS 1288 hue chest from fishing tournament

    now i am lost what are you selling the chest or the egg the egg i can see 10 mil now the chest no
  10. Godsrage

    WTS Deco, handouts, champ artifacts

    I'm buying ( Sea and Water Rares Items DECO all so the fishing quest items ) I am looking for if you have outer items please send me a photos
  11. Godsrage


    send me a IM Godsrage#6853
  12. Godsrage

    thinking about selling my Orc Galleon how much is it worth

    now what level is it the higher the better
  13. Godsrage

    thinking about selling my Orc Galleon how much is it worth

    well post a photo and total all the stuff to build it and what level it at and take it form there
  14. Godsrage

    WTS Super Rare Rusty Bell

  15. Godsrage

    WTS Super Rare Rusty Bell

    Selling Super Rare Rusty Bell 2mill it form the old WP system there super hard to find now
  16. Godsrage

    Fisherman and pirates

    hahahahahahah now this is to funny hahahahahahah
  17. Godsrage

    PC on Water Tile (pic in side)

    no not this
  18. Godsrage

    WTB Fishing Pole Mastercraft 5000

    look for the fishing pole mastercraft 5000 it was one of the Fishing Conquest points if have one do send me a photo so i can see it the real one and a email with a price