Search results

  1. Godsrage

    WTS Abominable Hookah Rare Drop - SOLD

    and Deco my house is ageless
  2. Godsrage

    WTS Abominable Hookah Rare Drop - SOLD

    TY :) will give it a good home
  3. Godsrage

    WTS Haunted Mirror -rare deco-

  4. Godsrage

    WTS Shrine of Wisdom - SUPER RARE -

  5. Godsrage

    WTS Hallucinogenic Mushrooms!

    i did not do it the outer god did
  6. Godsrage

    WTS Rares- some you may never see again

    very nice stuff Buttercup
  7. Godsrage

    Save (3) Dono Items to [shop

    there there will be no need to remove the items and you can and more may be some new items you can buy with Gold
  8. Godsrage

    Save (3) Dono Items to [shop

    @Faytality @Shane @eppy you have all that space around luna how come you do not open it up and put all the Dono items out that land will take it then it will give some time for all the players to save up to buy the Dono items
  9. Godsrage

    WTB Cave house

    and to give you a idea what just what the Value of one cave house would sale for we are talk it well over 100 mill that that not including the 1 to 5 mill some of the player have all ready put in to it that how come Shane put in the rule of no trading them we all have agreed on it so the best...
  10. Godsrage

    WTS Sold

  11. Godsrage

    WTS Tokuno Galleon Max lvl SOLD

  12. Godsrage

    WTS Tokuno Galleon Max lvl SOLD

    @Betty Starburst
  13. Godsrage

    Can't carry enough gold to buy a boat.

    you can buy them of the vendor as long as you have the gold in your bank
  14. Godsrage

    WTS Sold

  15. Godsrage

    WTS Sold

  16. Godsrage

    WTS Auction for various sea rares including a barnacle stool

    Trinsic Traditional Vase 300k Offer 100k Barnacle Stool
  17. Godsrage

    WTS Sold
