Dwyane Wade
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  • Hey good sir. I'm trying to find a price guide on the smithing bods. I don't fully quite understand the price equation they use to figure it out. Any help would me much appreciated!
    I have the bronze 10x plate arms,gloves, and tunic, send me message with offer
    Dwyane Wade
    Dwyane Wade
    Not sure where the Elf shop is, can you give a general direction? I went running around Yew a little bit this morning and didn't find it. Had to go to work lol, but I'll pick it up tonight. Thanks!
    Dwyane Wade
    Dwyane Wade
    I never found this place, can you help?
    run straight north from yew bank, the east corner, and it will take your right there, like 30 vendors on roof
    What happened to BANK? lol
    I'm just getting back into UO what's going on these days?
    Dwyane Wade
    Dwyane Wade
    Lots of new updates, check a few of the stickied threads here on the forums. I don't play much these days, just lurk the forums and irc lol
    Ah word
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